AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log Report

AdminStudio 2020 | 19.0 | Automated Application Converter

The AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log is an HTML report you can view that lists the following information for each conversion run:

Machines—List of the virtual machines used in the conversion run.
Packages—List of the packages that included in this conversion run. The packages are linked to the Package Conversion Messages section of the report for that package.
Log Results / General Messages—Start time, number of errors and warnings generated, and general processing messages.
Log Results / Package Conversion Messages—Conversion messages for each package that the Automated Application Converter attempted to convert.

The following is an example of an AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log report:

AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log Report

Viewing an AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log Report

To view an AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log report, perform the following steps:

To view an AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log report:

1. Open the Results tab.
2. Select the top level node of a conversion run log (Log started Monday, June 21, 2010...), and do one of the following:
Click View Report on the Tools menu.
Select View Report from the shortcut menu.
Click the Reports icon on the toolbar.
Press Ctrl+R.

The report opens in a new browser window.

Viewing Debug Messages

By default, debug messages that occur during a conversion run are saved in the log report, but the display of those debug messages is turned off. However, if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 as your default browser, you can choose to view those debug messages by performing the following steps:

Viewing debug messages in an Automated Application Converter Log Report:

1. Open an Automated Application Converter Log Report as described in Viewing an AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log Report.
2. Press F12. The Developer Tools window opens.
3. Click on the CSS tab. The CSS file for the log report opens, displaying checkmarks next to each class and each property.
4. Scroll down to locate the following class: .debug (not P.debug).
5. Clear the selection of the display : none property, as shown below:

6. Return to the log report window. The debug messages are now displayed in green.