Automated Application Converter Error Messages

AdminStudio 2020 | 19.0 | Automated Application Converter

This section includes information on how to resolve the following error messages that could be generated by the Automated Application Converter:

Error -4308: VM failed to start up
Error -4309: VM failed to shut down
Error -4310: Failed to connect to VM
Error -4312: Failed to prepare Repackager
Error -4313: Failed to access the package
Error -4314: Failed to copy repackaged output from virtual machine
Error -4315: Failed to send command to VM
Error -4316: Failed getting response from VM
Error -4317: Failed running pre-snapshot
Error -4318: Failed running post-snapshot
Error -4319: Failed running package installation
Error -4320: Failed creating folder on VM
Error -4333: Preparing command-line...
Error -4380: Failed to prepare AppV
Error -4388: Failed preparing for pre-snapshot
Error -4389: Failed connecting to server
Error -4390: Failed connecting to image
Error -4391: Failed to reboot
Error -4395: Failed to create VM directory
Error -4409: Failed to delete package cache folder

Debug Messages in the Automated Application Converter Log Report

By default, debug messages that occur during a conversion run are saved in the AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log report, but the display of those debug messages is turned off. However, if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 as your default browser, you can choose to view those debug messages. See Viewing Debug Messages for instructions.