Customizing Apple Installer Package PKG Installer Settings

AdminStudio 2020 R2 SP1 | 20.01 | Application Manager

Just as a Windows Installer package can be customized by adding a transform file, an Apple installer package (.pkg) can be customized by editing an XML file that is embedded within it. In AdminStudio 2016, the settings defined in a .pkg file’s embedded XML file are displayed on the new PKG Installer Choices tab of the package’s Home Deployment Type view.

Figure 1:  New PKG Installer Choices Tab of Home Deployment Type View for Mac PKG Installer

The PKG Installer Choices tab lists all settings that have been defined in that .pkg file’s embedded XML settings file by the application manufacturer. To customize this installer (such as to prepare it for silent installation by Casper), you can make changes to the settings on this tab and then click Update Installer Choices. AdminStudio will then save your changes in the package’s embedded settings file.

For each installer Choice listed on the PKG Installer Choices tab, the following options are available:




This option can be either selected or not selected:

Selected—This choice setting will be displayed in the installer.
Not selected—This choice setting will not be displayed in the installer.


This option can be either selected or not selected:

Selected—If this choice setting is displayed in the installer, its check box will be checked.
Not selected—If this choice setting is displayed in the installer, its check box will not be checked.


This option can be either selected or not selected:

Selected—If this choice setting is displayed in the installer, it will be enabled.
Not selected—If this choice setting is displayed in the installer, it will be disabled.

Custom Location

If this choice setting explicitly permits the user to specify a user-defined installation path, the path entered in this field would populate the user-defined installation path when it is displayed in the installer.

Note:Modifying the installer choices of an Apple installer package does not affect the digital signature of the package.