Managing an Application's Flexera Identifier

AdminStudio 2020 R2 SP1 | 20.01 | Application Manager

A Flexera Identifier—a unique identifier that is assigned to applications by FlexNet Manager Suite and is stored in its Application Recognition Library (ARL)—is used to maintain application identity across Flexera products.

Note:The ARL uniquely identifies over 110,000 applications (including multiple versions and editions) from over 14,000 publishers.

A Flexera Identifier is used to link application information from Application Manager with application information in AdminStudio Inventory and Rationalization, FlexNet Manager Suite, and App Portal. An application’s Flexera Identifier is listed on the General Information tab of an application’s Application View.

Flexera Identifier Field on the General Information Tab of Application View

When an application is imported into the Application Catalog, AdminStudio automatically queries the FlexNet Manager Suite ARL and attempts to obtain the application’s Flexera Identifier. For applications that were already imported into the Application Catalog prior to connecting to the Flexera Service Gateway, you can sync applications with the Application Recognition Library, as described in Synchronizing Applications with App Portal and FlexNet Manager Suite.

However, sometimes a Flexera Identifier is not found, and you are required to either perform a manual search for an existing Flexera Identifier or create a new local entry.

Searching an Application Catalog for Unrecognized Applications
Performing a Manual Search for a Flexera Identifier
Creating Local Flexera Identifier Entries for Internal or Repackaged Applications