Converting MSI/EXE Packages to Intune Format Using the Conversion Wizard
You can convert MSI/EXE packages to Microsoft Intunewin using the Conversion Wizard.
Important:Conversion of MSI/EXE to Intune is supported only through the package nodes.
Perform the following steps to convert MSI/EXE packages to Intune using the Conversion Wizard.
To convert MSI/EXE packages to Intune:
1. | Perform the steps listed in Setting Conversion Wizard Options, including Setting Microsoft Intune Conversion Options. |
2. | On the Applications tab, right-click on the selected package(s), and then select Launch Conversion Wizard from the shortcut menu. |
3. | On the Target Type Selection panel of the Conversion Wizard, select Microsoft Intune Windows App, and then click Next. |
4. | The Package Output Location panel opens. If you want to select different output location, click Browse and select preferred location (if required), and then click Next. |
5. | The Summary panel opens. Click Next. |
6. | On the Converting the Packages panel, click Next for the conversion process, and then click Finish once conversion process is complete. |
Upon successful action, the converted package (converted to Intune) will import under that Application tree.
Note:Converted package will be imported in .intunewin format.