About Package Auto Import
AdminStudio 2020 R2 SP1 | 20.01 | Application Manager
Note:To use the Package Auto Import feature, you must have AdminStudio Administrator permission.
The Package Auto Import feature enables you to automatically import or re-import all selected package types in specified network directories into your Application Catalog.
The Package Auto Import feature supports all package types, including:
Apple disk image package (.dmg) |
Apple installer package (.pkg) |
Apple iOS mobile app (.ipa) |
Citrix XenApp virtual package (.profile) |
Google Android mobile app (.apk) |
Installer package (.exe) |
Microsoft App-V virtual package (.sft, .appv) |
Microsoft Web Deploy package (.zip) |
Microsoft Windows Installer package (.msi) |
Microsoft UWP app package (.appx) |
Microsoft Windows 8 mobile or desktop app (.appx) |
PowerShell-wrapped package (.ps1) |
VMware ThinApp virtual package (.exe) |
Web application (.htm, .html) |
Microsoft Intune package (.intunewin) |
In addition to being able to batch import these package types using the Package Auto Import feature, you can also use it to batch import the following additional types of files:
Microsoft Windows Security Patch files (.msu) |
iOS Enterprise Policy Configuration files (.mobileconfig or .plist) |
Note:In versions of AdminStudio prior to 2016, you could only import Microsoft Security Patch files (.msu) and iOS Enterprise Policy Configuration Files (.mobileconfig or .plist) one at a time using the Import Wizard.
After you have specified one or more shared directories to monitor using the Package Auto Import feature, and have selected the package types to import on the Select Watcher Extensions dialog box, the packages of the selected package types in those directories are automatically imported into Application Manager.
A group structure that mimics the directory structure of the selected network directory is created in the Application Manager tree:
Group Structure Created by Package Auto Import
After the initial auto-import operation, packages will be imported or reimported into the Application Catalog whenever:
A new package is added to the monitored directory. |
An existing package in the monitored directory is updated. |
Distributed Import Using AdminStudio Host Process
The monitoring of the specified Package Auto Import directories is a task that can be distributed among the AdminStudio Host processes of all of the installations of AdminStudio in your network that have access to the specified shared directory.
After you have specified a directory on the Package Auto Import tab and have set the Monitoring Status field to True, the AdminStudio Host processes that are connected to the same Application Manager will begin to monitor these directories.
Packages in the monitored directories will be imported as soon as one of the AdminStudio Host processes connected to the same Application Catalog is running but is not currently being used. This ensures that if someone is actively using one of AdminStudio’s tools, the import (and subsequent testing) of packages by the Package Auto Import process will not slow down the performance of AdminStudio.
Tip:To make sure that the batch import activities of the Package Auto Import process take place when AdminStudio tools are not in use, you can launch AdminStudioHost.exe as a scheduled task during off peak hours and it will perform the import of packages from the monitored directories at that time.
See Also
Setting Up Package Auto Import
Package Auto Import and Duplicate Package Names
Import Options / Package Auto Import Tab
Automatically Importing Packages from a Network Directory