Performing Virtualization and Repackaging Using the Automated Application Converter

AdminStudio 2020 R2 SP1 | 20.01 | Automated Application Converter

Edition:The Automated Application Converter is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions, and you can use it to perform automated repackaging on a virtual machine.

You can use the Automated Application Converter to convert a single package or a group of packages into Microsoft App-V, VMware ThinApp, Citrix XenApp.

When converting a Windows Installer package to a virtual package, you often need to repackage it prior to being able to successfully convert it. The reason for this is that it is not possible to determine the run-time behavior of certain Windows Installer package elements—such as custom actions, conditional components, and launch conditions—without actually installing the package.

You can use the Automated Application Converter to:

Examine a group of selected setups.
Perform automated virtualization of setups that can be cleanly virtualized.
Perform automated repackaging of those setups that cannot be cleanly virtualized (due to custom actions, etc.), and then perform automated virtualization of those repackaged MSIs.

Note:You can also use the Application Catalog Conversion Wizard to quickly convert one or multiple Windows Installer packages or legacy installers to virtual packages using default Automated Application Converter settings. For more information, see Using the Conversion Wizard to Perform Express Conversion to Virtual Packages or Automated Repackaging.

Information about using the Automated Application Converter is presented in the following sections:

AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Help Library



About the Automated Application Converter

Describes the benefits of using the Automated Application Converter to perform automated repackaging and virtualization, and provides an overview of its workflow.

Getting Started With the Automated Application Converter

Explains how to use the Application Conversion Project Wizard to get started using the Automated Application Converter to perform automated repackaging and virtualization.

Managing Virtual Machines

Explains how to use the Virtual Machine Import wizard to add new virtual images to the Automated Application Converter and how to manage virtual machines on the Machines tab.

Managing Packages to Convert

Explains how to use the Package Import Wizard to add packages to the Automated Application Converter, and how to manage packages on the Packages tab.

Using the Application Conversion Wizard to Perform Automated Package Conversion

Explains how to use the Application Conversion Wizard to perform a conversion run using the selected packages and virtual machines, and how to view conversion run log report information.

Testing Packages

Explains how to quickly launch a package for testing on a virtual machine directly from Automated Application Converter.

Importing Converted Packages into the Application Catalog

Explains how to import converted virtual packages or repackaged Windows Installer packages into the AdminStudio Application Catalog.

Publishing Converted Packages to a Distribution System

Explains how to publish an application containing converted virtual packages or repackaged Windows Installer packages to a distribution system.

Setting Default Project Properties

Explains how to set project-wide default options on the Project Options dialog box.

Capturing Virtualization Context

Explains the purpose of the packagename.context.msi file that is created during repackaging.


Describes each of the user interface elements and Wizard panels that you might encounter when using the Automated Application Converter. The help topics in this Reference section are the same detailed documentation that is displayed when you press the F1 key or click the Help button while working in a dialog box.


Includes information to help you resolve typical problems that you might encounter when using the Automated Application Converter.

Note:Automated Application Converter is available in a Single Application Version (one-at-a-time conversion) and a Multiple Application Version (batch conversion). For more information, see AdminStudio Editions and Components.