Changing the ICE Validation File

AdminStudio 2021 | 21.0 | Application Manager

Edition:Application Manager is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions.

Validation involves comparing a Windows Installer package against a known criteria to identify deviations from those rules. By default, Application Catalog compares packages against the full Windows Installer validation suite. This suite contains a comprehensive set of Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs)—guidelines created by Microsoft to ensure an installation package works correctly with the Windows Installer engine.

The CUB files containing these ICE validation tests are specified on the Virtualization and Windows Installer tab of the Application Catalog Options dialog box. By default, the following CUB files are specified:

C:\Program Files (x86)\AdminStudio\2021\Common\Support\darice.cub

C:\Program Files (x86)\AdminStudio\2021\Common\Support\MergeMod.cub

In the overwhelming majority of cases, these are the files you will want Application Catalog to use. However, there may be times you want to compare your packages against a different validation file, depending on your needs.

To specify a different ICE validation file, perform the following steps.

To specify a different validation file to use:

1. In Application Catalog, select Options on the Application Catalog menu. The Options dialog box opens.
2. Open the Virtualization and Windows Installer tab.
3. Next to the Windows Installer CUB validation file and Merge Module CUB validation file fields, click the browse button () and select the validation file (.cub) that you would like to use.

The files specified in these fields contain the Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs) that will be used for validation of Windows Installer packages and merge modules.