INI Files View

AdminStudio 2021 | 21.0 | Repackager

Edition:This feature is available in AdminStudio Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions.

From the INI Files view, you can examine information about each captured .ini file, selectively exclude .ini files or .ini file sections from the package you are creating, or reinclude .ini files or sections that you previously excluded.

The upper pane displays the number of .ini files captured and how many of these .ini files will be excluded from the Windows Installer package when built. The lower-left pane provides a tree from which you can see the full path to captured .ini files and sections contained within the .ini files. When you select a section from the tree, the lower-right pane displays name/value pairs in that section.

Excluding INI Files

To specify which INI files you want to include in the package, use the Exclude, Exclude All, Include, and Include All commands on the shortcut menu:

To exclude an INI file, select the INI file you want to exclude and select Exclude.
To exclude INI files within a directory, select the directory containing the INI files you want to exclude and select either Exclude (to exclude only the INI files in the selected directory) or Exclude All (to exclude all of the INI files in the selected directory and all of its subdirectories).
To include an INI file that had previously been excluded, select the INI file you want to include and select Include.
To include INI files within a directory that had previously been excluded, select the directory containing the INI files you want to include and select either Include (to include only the INI file in the selected directory) or Include All (to include all of the INI files in the selected directory and all of its subdirectories).