Repackaging Using the Snapshot Method

AdminStudio 2021 | 21.0 | Repackager

When using the Snapshot method of repackaging, the Repackaging Wizard takes a reference snapshot of a system as a baseline configuration, performs the installation, and then takes a second snapshot.

The difference between the two snapshots is stored in a directory you specify, including the Repackager project file (.irp), the Repackaging Wizard output files, and the source files. The Repackager project file can then be converted into a Windows Installer package (.msi).

Caution:It is highly recommended that you repackage applications on a “clean” system. See Configuring Repackager to Ensure Optimal Installation Capture for more information.

Types of Snapshot Repackaging

There are two types of Snapshot repackaging:

Single Step

When Repackaging in a single step:

You specify at least one setup program to repackage.
Repackager first takes an initial system snapshot.
Repackager then runs the setup program(s) you selected.
Then Repackager takes a second snapshot to create the script file that can be converted into a Windows Installer package.

You also have the option of requiring the Repackager to prompt you before running the setup program(s), allowing you the opportunity to make changes to your system that you want included in the final package.

See Performing Single Step Snapshot Repackaging.

Multiple Step

When repackaging in multiple steps:

You run the Repackager to obtain an initial system snapshot, after which the Repackager exits.
You can then perform any modifications to the system, such as changing configurations, running installations, and so forth.
After making the necessary modifications, you would then run the Repackager again to analyze system status changes.
Repackager compares the final snapshot to the initial snapshot to determine the system changes that were made, and then records that information in a script file.

See Performing Multiple Step Snapshot Repackaging.