Collect Product Information Panel

AdminStudio 2021 R2 SP1 | 22.01 | Repackager | Repackaging Wizard

The Collect Product Information panel gathers information necessary for repackaging the installation(s).

The information on the Collect Product Information Panel is divided into two sections: Setup Programs and Product Information.

Setup Programs Area

The Setup Programs area contains information about the setup you are repackaging. Repackager uses this information to launch the setup correctly following pre-analysis. The information collected includes:

Setup Programs Options



Program File

The name and location of the setup executable. Click the Browse button to locate this file. This is a required field.

Command-Line Argument(s)

Any command-line arguments to be used when the setup is run.

Edit Setup List

Click to display the Additional Setup Programs dialog box, from which you can enter additional installations to repackage together with this installation. Additional setups share the same product name, version number, and company name in the repackaged installation. However, as you locate each additional setup to repackage, you can specify command-line parameters pertaining only to that setup. You can also specify the order in which the installations are run, should it be necessary.

Product Information Area

In the Product Information area, you identify the repackaged installation’s Product Name, Version Number, and Company Name.

Product Information Options



Product Name

Enter the name for final repackaged installation. This could be the name of the original installation (for example, Tuner), the name of a collective group of products (for example, Microsoft Applications), or another name of your selection (for example, My Apps). This is a required field.

Version Number

Enter the version of the product.

Company Name

Enter the name of the company.

Product Support Information

If you want to associate websites with this installation, click the More link in the Product Information area to open the Additional Product Information dialog box, where you can enter the Product URL and Support URL for the application you are repackaging.