Method Selection Panel

AdminStudio 2021 R2 SP1 | 22.01 | Repackager | Repackaging Wizard

Edition:The Installation Monitoring Method is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions.

From the Method Selection panel, select the method(s) you want to use for repackaging.

The available choices include:

Method Selection Panel Options




The Snapshot method involves taking system snapshots before and after an installation, and then creating the Windows Installer package from the difference between them. Any configurations you make between snapshots is also included in the generated Windows Installer package.

Installation Monitoring

Installation Monitoring watches all activities generated by an installation, and then determines the files, .ini files, registry entries and shortcuts that should be included in the generated Windows Installer package.

Installation Monitoring is significantly faster than the Snapshot repackaging method.

If there are services running on the machine that have nothing to do with the installation being repackaged, click the Advanced Settings link to open the Excluded Processes Dialog Box, where you can choose to exclude those processes.

Edition:The Installation Monitoring Method is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions.

Tip:If you know that the installation that you are capturing is from a self-extracting .exe file and if you want to use the Installation Monitoring method, you should click Advanced Settings and add the name of that .exe file to the excluded processes list.

System Changes Captured by Repackager

Regardless of the repackaging method used, Repackager captures system changes made to the following:

Application Paths
Environment Variables
INI Files
NT Services
ODBC Data Sources
ODBC Drivers
Printer Drivers
Registry Entries