Set Target Project Information and Capture Settings Panel

AdminStudio 2021 R2 SP1 | 22.01 | Repackager | Repackaging Wizard

The location where you want files created by Repackager stored is defined in the Project path to store files field on the Set Target Project Information Panel.

It is recommended that this location not be located on your clean machine, but rather on the same machine as the Repackager executable (most likely on your administrator machine).

You can also review or edit current capture settings by clicking Edit, which displays the Analysis Options dialog box. See Analysis Options Dialog Box for more information.

You can use the Microsoft Steps Recorder documentation tool with the Repackaging Wizard to automatically record the step-by-step actions that occur during repackaging. This information, which is saved in a web archive (.mht) file, includes a text description of where you clicked on each screen, along with a screen capture for each click. To enable this option, select the Run Microsoft Step Recorder to document installation steps so they can be reviewed later option. For more information, see Documenting Repackaging Steps Using the Microsoft Step Recorder Tool.

Click Start to begin repackaging and display the Repackaging Panel.