Creating a Setup Capture Report for a Project

AdminStudio 2021 R2 SP1 | 22.01 | Repackager

Edition:This feature is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions.

You can generate an HTML or text document that summarizes the data that was captured when a setup was repackaged.

The following information is available to be displayed in this report:

Captured files
Captured shortcuts
Captured .ini file entries
Captured Registry entries

The report also indicates which of the files, shortcuts, .ini file entries, or Registry entries, if any, have been marked for exclusion. Those marked for exclusion are not included in the Repackager project.

To create a report detailing captured data:

1. From the Project menu, select Create Report. The Create Report dialog box opens.
2. Select whether you want the report to contain All captured data (all of the data collected during the entire capture), or just the Current view.
3. If you want the report to contain data from the entire capture, specify whether you want to just display summary information.
4. Specify whether you want to display excluded items in the report.
5. Select the file format for the report. You can generate an HTML report or a Text report.
6. Click Create. A Save As dialog box opens.
7. From the resulting Save As dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the file, and provide a name for the report.
8. Click Save. The report is saved to the specified location and automatically opens.