Supported Legacy Installation Types

AdminStudio 2022 SP1 | 23.01 | Repackager

You can use both the Repackaging Wizard and the Repackager interface to create Repackager projects. The tool that you use depends upon the type of installation you are converting:

Methods of Creating Repackager Projects


Installation Source

Repackaging Wizard

You can use the Repackaging Wizard to convert the following installations:

InstallShield Professional 1.x to 5.1.x
InstallShield Professional 5.5 to 7.x
InstallShield InstallScript MSI
InstallShield DevStudio 9.x InstallScript
InstallShield Editor InstallScript

See Repackaging Legacy Installations Using the Repackaging Wizard.

Repackager Interface

You can use the Repackager interface to convert the following installations:

Repackager 3.x output (.inc)
Microsoft SMS projects (.ipf)
Microfocus ZENworks project files (.axt/.aot)
WinINSTALL projects (.txt) (6.0, 6.5, 7.x)
Wise installation projects (.wse)
InstallShield Professional log files (.isl)

See Converting Legacy Installations Using the Repackager Interface.

Edition:The Repackager interface is included with AdminStudio Professional and Enterprise Editions.