Comparison of the App-V 5.0 Conversion Methods

AdminStudio 2022 R2 SP1 | 24.01 | Automated Application Converter

When you use AdminStudio to convert a Windows Installer package to App-V 5.0 format, you can choose to use AdminStudio’s native virtual conversion functionality to perform the conversion or you can choose to use the Microsoft App-V 5.0 Sequencer. When preparing to convert a package to App-V 5.0 format, you are required to select one of the following Package Creation methods (as described in Selecting the App-V Conversion Method):

App-V 5.0 Conversion Methods



App-V 5.x with AdminStudio

The conversion workflow for this method depends upon whether the package requires repackaging:

Package requires repackaging—The Windows Installer or legacy executable (.exe) package is copied to a VM snapshot, along with the Repackager files. The package is then repackaged, copied back to the AdminStudio machine, and then converted to App-V 5.0 format using the AdminStudio virtual converter.
Package is a Windows Installer package and does not require repackaging—Package is directly converted to App-V 5.0 using the AdminStudio virtual converter.

App-V 5.x with Sequencer

When using this method, the Windows Installer or legacy executable (.exe) package is copied to a virtual machine snapshot that has the Microsoft App-V 5.0 Sequencer installed on it. The App-V 5.0 Sequencer converts the package to App-V 5.0 format. The virtual package is then copied back to the AdminStudio machine.

Advantages / Disadvantages of Each Method

There are advantages of using each App-V 5.x Package Creation methods:

Advantages / Disadvantages of AdminStudio’s App-V 5.x Package Creation Methods




App-V 5.x with AdminStudio

Provides post-installation configuration option—Enables you to perform both pre-installation and post-installation configuration tasks. (The App-V 5.x with Sequencer option only offers pre-installation configuration.) See Enabling Pre-Installation and Post-Installation Configuration.


App-V 5.x with Sequencer

App-V 5.x with Sequencer method could be quicker—When using this method, you are not required to copy the Repackager files to the virtual machine. Also, no intermediate Windows Installer package is built. Therefore, this method could perform conversion slightly quicker than the App-V 5.x with AdminStudio method.
Uses Microsoft technology—You may prefer this method if your organization prefers to use Microsoft technology to perform App-V 5.x conversion.
Installation directory must be known before sequencing can begin—In order to sequence the application effectively, you must have detailed knowledge of the how the installation is supposed to work. Prior to beginning the sequencing process, you are required to specify the installation directory for the application being sequenced. This information is often not readily available, and may require you to open the installation in an editing tool, such as InstallShield, in order to find it, or to run the installation one time prior to sequencing.

Both Methods

Can perform App-V package testing prior to deployment—Automated Application Converter includes a launch utility that allows you to launch and test the App-V package locally immediately after conversion before distributing them to the App-V Server.
Bulk conversions—You can use either App-V 5.x conversion method to perform bulk conversions of multiple applications in a directory hierarchy. The Automated Application Converter has both a user interface and a command line interface.

Note:To perform bulk conversion, you need to have purchased Automated Application Converter (Multiple Application Version).


App-V Conversion Methods Available in Repackager and InstallShield Editor

In addition to using Automated Application Converter, you can also use Repackager or the InstallShield Editor App‑V Assistant perform conversion to App-V 4.x or 5.0 format. However, these tools offer only one App-V 5.x conversion method: App-V 5.x with AdminStudio.