Comparison of the App-V 5.0 Conversion Methods
AdminStudio 2022 R2 SP1 | 24.01 | Automated Application Converter
When you use AdminStudio to convert a Windows Installer package to App-V 5.0 format, you can choose to use AdminStudio’s native virtual conversion functionality to perform the conversion or you can choose to use the Microsoft App-V 5.0 Sequencer. When preparing to convert a package to App-V 5.0 format, you are required to select one of the following Package Creation methods (as described in Selecting the App-V Conversion Method):
Method |
Description |
App-V 5.x with AdminStudio |
The conversion workflow for this method depends upon whether the package requires repackaging:
App-V 5.x with Sequencer |
When using this method, the Windows Installer or legacy executable (.exe) package is copied to a virtual machine snapshot that has the Microsoft App-V 5.0 Sequencer installed on it. The App-V 5.0 Sequencer converts the package to App-V 5.0 format. The virtual package is then copied back to the AdminStudio machine. |
Advantages / Disadvantages of Each Method
There are advantages of using each App-V 5.x Package Creation methods:
Method |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
App-V 5.x with AdminStudio |
App-V 5.x with Sequencer |
Both Methods |
Note:To perform bulk conversion, you need to have purchased Automated Application Converter (Multiple Application Version). |
App-V Conversion Methods Available in Repackager and InstallShield Editor
In addition to using Automated Application Converter, you can also use Repackager or the InstallShield Editor App‑V Assistant perform conversion to App-V 4.x or 5.0 format. However, these tools offer only one App-V 5.x conversion method: App-V 5.x with AdminStudio.