Workflow Steps Tab

App Portal 2020 R1

Workflow steps of an approval workflow are defined and edited on the Workflow Steps tab of the Workflow Properties dialog box.

Workflow Properties Dialog Box / Workflow Steps Tab

Note the following regarding workflow steps:

Workflow steps are executed from top to bottom.
Each step can be configured with conditions to determine whether the step will be used.
Steps can contain direct members, static approval groups, and dynamic approval groups.
Steps can also execute custom actions when that step is processed.

Add New Level Dialog Box

Existing workflow steps are listed on the Workflow Steps tab. To add a new workflow step, click Add New Level to open the Add New Level dialog box.

Adding a New Level on the Workflow Steps Tab

On the Add New Level dialog box, you are prompted to select one of the following groups:

Groups Listed on the Add New Level Dialog Box



User Approval Group (Static)

Uses the approvers listed in the specified User Approval Group. Approvers within this type of group are static, they do not change based on user conditions.

Property Approval Group (Static)

Uses the approvers listed in the specified Property Approval Group. Approvers within this type of group are static, they do not change based on user conditions.

OU Approval Group (Static)

Uses the approvers listed in the specified OU Approval Group. Approvers within this type of group are static, they do not change based on user conditions.

Collection Approval Group (Static)

Uses the approvers listed in the specified Collection Approval Group. Approvers within this type of group are static, they do not change based on user / computer conditions.

Dynamic Approval Groups

Dynamic approval groups display properties, not actual groups. When you create a dynamic approval group for at least one property (department, OU, collection, etc.) that property is exposed here.

Manager—Uses the Manager attribute from Active Directory.
Computer - Managed By—Uses the Managed By attributes of the computer object in Active Directory.
<Property Defined Group>—Uses the approvers specified for the property defined. Example, you create a property based approval group for the IT Department. You specify the group to use the department attribute and the values include IT Department, Info Tech, and Information Technology values from the department attribute in Active Directory. This action exposes the “Department” attribute under the Dynamic Approval Group.

Adding the Department as a workflow step will cause the workflow to look at the requesting users department, search for a value that matches IT Department, Info Tech, or Information Technology and use the corresponding approvers identified for that group.

Note:In order to effectively use dynamic approval groups, you should have approval groups created for every value of the property you choose to use.

Note:To create a new approval group, select Approval Groups under Site Management.

After you select a group on the Add New Level dialog box and click Add Selected Group, the new workflow step is listed on the Workflow Steps tab. The workflow steps in the following image are read as “First use the user’s Active Directory Manager as the first level of approval, and then send the request to the Directors user approval group”.

Workflow Steps Tab

Workflow Step Properties Dialog Box

Each workflow step can have properties defined. Double click the workflow step to open the Workflow Step Properties dialog box.

Options Tab of Workflow Step Properties Dialog Box

Options Tab

The Options tab of the Workflow Step Properties dialog box includes the following properties:

Workflow Step Properties



Approver Type

Select the approver type as either Reviewer or Purchaser

Set Status

Select a custom status for this workflow step. Workflow status is created and managed under Settings > Workflow Status. Setting a status other than Default Status will set the request with the identified status when that workflow step is in progress.

Set Action

Software installations are typically triggered and allowed for installation after all workflow steps have occurred. If you wish to have this action occur earlier in the workflow process, identify the step in which you want the software install action to occur.

Question template

Select a question template to link to the specified workflow step. When a question template is linked to a workflow step the approvers at that step will be presented with those questions. If there are required questions within the question template the request cannot move to the next workflow step until all required questions have been answered.

Allow Approval Level User Edit

Select this option if you wish to allow this specific approval step to be identified by the requester. With this option enabled the requester will be able to change the users within this step.

Force Approval Level User Edit

Select this option if you wish to require that this specific approval step must be identified by the requester.

Conditions Tab

The Conditions tab of the Workflow Step Properties dialog box lists any conditions that are applied to the workflow step.

Conditions Tab of New Level Dialog Box

The conditions that you apply to a workflow step determine when the step should apply.

Conditions can be defined using Group and OU membership, AD Property value, Collection membership, answers to Questions, or based on the license availability and cost of a catalog item (on the Catalog Item subtab).
Conditions specified here can be specified to enforced as either Include or Exclude by making a selection in the Enforcement column.

For more information on creating conditions, see Add Condition Dialog Box.

External Actions Tab

On the External Actions tab of the Workflow Step Properties dialog box, you can configure a workflow step to execute a custom action, as described in Configuring a Workflow Step to Execute a Custom Action.

External Actions Tab of Workflow Step Properties Dialog Box

To configure a workflow step to execute a custom action, first create a script, web service, or request command, as described in the following three topics:

Script Commands
Web Service Commands
Request Commands

Then open the External Actions tab, and from the Select a service list and the Select a method or command lists, select the appropriate service and command, and then click Save.

See Also