PowerShell Example

App Portal 2020 R1

The following PowerShell script example demonstrates how to use App Portal web services.



## File name: ap_cancel_request.ps1

## Description: This script runs and finds a specific request in App Portal and then

##              cancels it


## Instructions:

##   1. Define the following two variables found the Define variable section

##           $serverName

##           $reqID

##   2. Save the script

##   3. Execute the script



# Define variables

$serverName = "<enter_app_portal_server_name>"

$URI = "http://$serverName/esd/api.asmx?WSDL"

$reqID = "<enter_request_id>"

$notify = $true


# Define Web Service

$WebService = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $URI -UseDefaultCredential


# Get details of a specific request

$retRequests = $WebService.GetDetailsForExistingRequestsByRequestID($reqID)


foreach($apRequest in $retRequests){


    write-host About to cancel request with request ID $apRequest.dtRequestDetails.RequestID

    # Cancel a request

    $actionResult = $WebService.cancelRequest($reqID,$notify)

    if ($actionResult -eq "1") {

       Write-Host Action completed successully -ForegroundColor Green

    } else {

       Write-Host Action completed with error -ForegroundColor Red

