Global Subtab

App Portal 2020 R1

The General > Global tab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box includes global, approval, request, scheduling, and image options. The dialog box includes the following properties:

Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box / General > Global Tab Properties



Load settings from template

When you create a new request, you can specify a template to load settings from previously created requests.

Note:Only listed before application or package is saved.

Is enabled?

Select this option to make the catalog item visible within App Portal regardless of other permission settings.


Select a category to associate the new catalog item with. Categorize are used by the program for searching on the Browse Catalog tab. A package can be a member of multiple categories.


Select a class to associate the new catalog item with.

Question Template

Select a Question Template for use by the new catalog item. A question template is a group of questions to ask at the time of request.

Template Name

If you wish to make the settings specified in this request available as a template for other requests, enter a descriptive name here.

Expire on

Select a future date to mark this request inactive (disabling globally visible setting).

Require Approval for Install?

Select this option to require an approval prior to installing this software.

Do not inherit bundle Approval process

Select this option to prevent this catalog item from inheriting the approval workflow assigned to the group catalog item that contains it.

Allow removal from bundle?

Select this option to enable an end user to remove this catalog item from a group catalog item when submitting a request.

For example, if a group catalog item contained a computer, monitor, and a set of headphones, if this option was selected for the headphones catalog item, an end user requesting this group catalog item would be permitted to remove the headphones from the bundle and request just the computer and monitor.

Do not sync the catalog with ServiceNow

This field enables/disables syncing of this OSD task sequence catalog items in ServiceNow.

If this option is selected, the catalog item will not be synced into ServiceNow and will not be available as a Service Catalog in ServiceNow.
If this option is not selected, the catalog item will be synced into ServiceNow and will be available as a Service Catalog in ServiceNow.

Request options

Select the options in this category that you want to enable, as described in Request Options.

Scheduling options

Select the options in this category that you want to enable, as described in Scheduling Options.


Change the Image Icon that will be shown next to the new catalog item.

Direct link

A direct link to the package or application.

Note:Only listed after package or application has been saved.

Request Options

The Request Options area of the General > Global tab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box includes the following options:

Request Options



Enable request on behalf?

Select this option to enable the requester to request catalog items for another person or device. Requester can search by machine name, full name, or user name to locate the target device(s) / user(s) of the request.

If this option is selected, the Search for people or computers option will be listed on the Choose Target panel of the Checkout view for those requesters who have been assigned rights to the Request on Behalf catalog security role.

Important:In order to have access to these “request on behalf” options, the requester must have been assigned the Request on Behalf catalog security role under Catalog Management > Catalog Security. See Managing Catalog Permissions.

Note:For more information, see Enabling a Catalog Item to Be Requested on Behalf of Another User / Device.

Enable request to AD property?

Select this option to enable the requester to search by Active Directory account attributes to locate the target device(s) / user(s) of the request.

If this option is selected, the Search using account attributes option will be listed on the Choose Target panel of the Checkout view for those requesters who have been assigned rights to the Request on Behalf catalog security role.

Enable request for AD manager?

Select this option to enable the requester to search a list of direct reports by machine name, full name, or user name to locate the target device(s) / user(s) of the request.

If this option is selected, the People who report to me option will be listed on the Choose Target panel of the Checkout view for those requesters who have been assigned rights to the Request on Behalf catalog security role.

Enable request to manual list?

Select this option to enable the requester to manually add a list of machine names or user IDs to identify the target device(s) / user(s) of the request.

If this option is selected, the Add machine names or user IDs manually option will be listed on the Choose Target panel of the Checkout view for those requesters who have been assigned rights to the Request on Behalf catalog security role.

Allow File Upload?

Select this option to enable end users to upload files to this catalog item during checkout.

Allow switch to?

Select this option to specify that this catalog item is available to be an alternate catalog item for another catalog item. It will be listed on the General > Alternates tab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box. See Alternates Subtab.

Enable unknown computer deployment (OSD Only)?

Enables deployment of OSD task sequence catalog items to unknown computers.

If this option is selected, the Build an unknown computer and migrate my data from MACHINENAME to the new computer option is listed on the Choose Target panel during of the Checkout Wizard during checkout of an OSD task sequence catalog item. And if this option is selected on the Choose Target panel, App Portal will instruct SCCM to build an unknown computer and migrate the requester’s data from their current machine to the new computer.

Show on support tools?

Choose whether this catalog item will be displayed on the Support Tools tab. This setting overrides globally visible settings and applies the visibility settings of the catalog item.

If you wish to apply approval settings to the requests in Support Tools, select the Require approval for support tools option on the Catalog Behavior tab of the Site Management > Settings > Web Site view.

Show for Clone/Migrate

If this option is selected, then this application will be available on the Clone/Migrate view of the Support Tools tab. The Clone/Migrate feature is used to deliver applications from a source computer to a target computer. For more information, see Using Clone/Migrate to Migrate Applications to Another System.

Core application (not available for migration during task sequence deployment)

Every enterprise has a set of core applications that are included on all corporate images that are created, such as Microsoft Office, Chrome, etc. Because those applications are included in all OS images, there is no reason to ask an individual to select them during check out of an OSD task sequence catalog item.

To prevent an application from being listed on the Choose Existing Applications to Migrate or Additional Applications to Install During OS Deployment panels of the Checkout Wizard, select this option.

You can view a list of all catalog items that have been designated core applications on the Catalog Management > Administration > Core Applications view.

Important:This option only applies to software catalog items, not general or task sequence, or cloud catalog items.

Define Installation Order?

Identify this catalog item is dependent on installation order. All catalog items with this tag can be globally ordered under the Deployment Management node > Install Sequence. This order will determine the order presented to the OSD Task Sequence when used as part of an OS Deployment.

Scheduling Options

The Scheduling Options area of the General > Global tab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box includes the following options:

Scheduling Options



Allow scheduling immediately after approval?

Determines whether the requester can choose Install immediately after approval option during checkout. Disable this option when the application requires a reboot or otherwise interferes with the user’s experience.

Allow user defined scheduling?

Determines whether the requester can select a specific date and time for installation scheduling for items that do not require approval.

Important:This option must be selected in order for you to specify software leasing. For more information. See Leasing Subtab.

Allow ASAP scheduling?

Determines whether the requester can choose Install ASAP for items that do not require approval.

Initial schedule offset (hrs)

When ASAP scheduling is enabled, this value offsets the soonest time the requester can selected from the current time in hours.

Enable scheduling constraints?

Determines whether this catalog item is affected by scheduling constraints defined under Deployment Management. Select when you want the scheduling restricted based on scheduling constraints.

Require User Readiness record?

Determines whether a user readiness record is required to be present under Deployment Management for the requester to be able to request this catalog item.

See Also