Approving or Rejecting Requests on the Approve/Reject Tab

App Portal 2021 R1

Note:Starting with App Portal 2014, a permanent Flexera Software color theme has been applied to the user interface, and the top navigation menu has changed from tabs to menu selections; however, all functionality remains the same.

The App Portal Approve / Reject tab has the same general format as the My Requests tab (as described in Viewing Request Status and Details on the My Requests and Processed Tabs) with the addition of Approve, Reassign, Reject, and Request Info buttons in the command bar.

App Portal Approve/Reject Tab

The items listed here are those pending approval for the current user visiting the site unless the Show all requests option is selected in the Search pane, in which case all items pending approval are listed.

This section includes the following topics:

Approving a Request
Reassigning a Request
Requesting Additional Information
Rejecting a Request