Choosing Additional Applications to Install During an OS Deployment

App Portal 2021 R1

The Choose Additional Applications to Install During an OS Deployment panel appears during the checkout of OSD task sequence catalog items, and lists software catalog items that are available for installation on the target operating system.

The Choose Additional Applications to Install During an OS Deployment panel appears during an OSD task sequence catalog item checkout if the Enable application migration and installation of additional applications and Prompt requester to select additional applications to install options are is selected on the Site Management > Settings > Deployment > OS Deployment panel.

Note:To prevent a catalog item from being listed on the Choose Additional Applications to Install During an OS Deployment panel (because, for example, it is a core application that is automatically included with your corporate OS image), select the Core application option on the General > Global tab of that catalog item’s Catalog Item Properties dialog box.

To choose additional applications to install during an OS deployment, perform the following steps.

To choose additional applications to install during an OS deployment:

1. Perform the steps in Checking Out to check out an OSD task sequence catalog item. The Choose Additional Applications to Install During an OS Deployment panel of the Checkout Wizard opens.

2. Select the applications you want to install during OS deployment, and then click Add Applications to add them to the selected list below.

Important:This grid lists the first 100 applications in the App Portal catalog. To locate an application that is not listed, use the Search box.

3. Click Next to continue.

Note:Because these applications are selected during checkout, they are written to the computer object within System Center Configuration Manager as variables so that they can be used by the Task Sequence process.

See Also