Choosing Roles to Specify Groups of Applications to Migrate During an OS Deployment

App Portal 2021 R1

The Choose Roles panel opens when you are checking out an OSD task sequence catalog item that has a role selected on the Deployment > Roles subtab of the Catalog Item Properties dialog box.

Roles are a grouping of applications, computer variables, and/or Microsoft User State Migration Tool (USMT) profiles that App Portal can use to determine which applications to install on the target operating system.

If the Allow user role selection option is also selected on the Deployment > Roles subtab, then the requester is able to select a role.
If the Allow user role selection option is not selected, the roles will be listed, but they will automatically be selected and the requester will be unable to clear the selection.

To choose roles to specify groups of applications to migrate during an OS deployment:

1. Perform the steps in Checking Out to check out an OSD task sequence catalog item. The Choose Roles panel of the Checkout Wizard opens.

2. On the Choose Roles panel, select the roles that contain applications that you want to have installed on the target operating system (or just review the automatically selected roles), and then click Next to continue.

See Also