Overview of the Checkout Wizard

App Portal 2021 R1

The panels of the App Portal Checkout Wizard list the catalog items in a table, with summary information at the top of the screen.

Choose Target Panel of Checkout

Information on the checkout screens is organized into the following areas:

Summary box—This box includes the total number of catalog items in the cart, along with the total price of all items.
Action area—Below the checkout page name, instructions and actions that apply to all items in the cart are listed. For example, on the Choose Target panel of the checkout, if the user has more than one registered computer, they are prompted to select the machine onto which to install all of the software in the cart.
“Your Items” column—The Your items column of the table lists the items in the cart, including informational icons to indicate license status. To remove an item from the cart, click the X in the top right corner of the cell.
“Action” column—The Action column prompts the user to take some action regarding that catalog item, such as to make a selection or answer a question, or provides instructions or information specific to that catalog item.
Next button—Click to proceed to the next panel in the Checkout Wizard.