Selecting a New Computer to Import for an OS Deployment

App Portal 2021 R1

If, when checking out an OSD task sequence catalog item, you select Image a new computer or existing computer on the Choose Target panel, the Import New Computer panel opens.

Note:The Image a new computer or existing computer option is displayed on the Choose Target panel for OSD task sequence catalog items if the Enable request on behalf? option is selected for that catalog item and if the requester has the Request on Behalf role.

To select a computer to import:

1. Add an OSD task sequence catalog item to the cart, as described in Adding Catalog Items to Your Shopping Cart. The Choose Target panel of the Checkout Wizard opens.
2. On the Choose Target panel, select Image a new computer or existing computer and click Next. The Import New Computer panel of the Checkout Wizard opens.

3. In the New computer name field, enter the name of the computer that you want to image, or select a computer from the list.

Note:If a computer has already been configured with your deployment technology, it will be available for selection from the list. If you want create a new computer object in your deployment technology (which enables App Portal to support bare-metal installations), enter a name for the new computer in the New computer name field, and you will then be prompted to enter additional information.

4. If you entered a name in the New computer name field (instead of making a selection from the list), you will be prompted to enter the following information to configure the new computer with your deployment technology:



Time Zone

Select the time zone for the specified deployment technology site.


Select the deployment technology site where you want to create a new computer object.

MAC Address

Enter the MAC address of the computer you are importing.

Note:Either the MAC address or SMBIOS GUID must be entered.


Enter the SMBIOS GUID of the computer you are importing.

Note:Either the MAC address or SMBIOS GUID must be entered.

5. If you are replacing an existing computer and wish to create a computer association between the existing computer and the new computer—so that you can transfer user data and applications to the new computer, enter the name of the existing computer in the Old computer name field or select the old computer from the list.
6. Under Build Type, select one of the following options:
New Computer (No data migration)—Select this option to perform a “bare-metal” installation, with no corporate operating system present on the computer and with no user data or applications to capture or restore.
In-Place Migration (Backup and restore data)—Select this option to perform an in-place upgrade of an existing corporate operating system, and with user data and applications that need to be captured and restored to the existing system.
Side-by-Side Migration (Migrate data from old computer to new computer)—Select this option to perform a side-by-side transfer of an existing corporate operating system from one computer to another, with user data and applications that need to be captured from the existing system and restored to the replacement system.

Tip:If you want to perform an in-place migration, instead of selecting the Image a new computer or existing computer option on the Choose Target panel and then selecting the In-Place Migration option on this panel, you could have instead selected the Reimage my computer DEVICENAME with a new Operating System option on the Choose Target panel.

7. If you want to associate the specified computer to a user (which enables role evaluation and email communication), enter the following user information:
User ID 
Full Name 
Email Address 

Note:As soon as you specify the Domain and User ID of an existing user, App Portal will return the Full Name and Email Address of that user.

8. Click Import Computer to import the specified computer.

When you click Import Computer, the specified computer is listed in the Action column of the table, and displays the Machine Name along with the Full Name and User Name of the associated computer user (if it exists).

Note the following regarding items in this list:

Removing an item from the list—To remove a computer from the list, click the Remove button.
Switching to a different user of the same device—If no user is assigned to the computer or if you want to select a different assigned user, click the user icon in the Action column. A user name selection dialog box opens.

Select a different user from the list and then click Switch User.

9. Click Next to continue.

See Also