Outgoing Email Subtab

The following shows the Outgoing Mail subtab of the Site Management > Settings > Email.

Site Management > Settings > Email > Outgoing Email (top half of options)

Below the default email settings, is a group of Email Notification Options:

Site Management > Settings > Email > Outgoing Email (bottom half of options)

The Site Management > Settings > Email > Outgoing Email view includes the following properties:

Outgoing Email Properties



SMTP Relay Server

IP address or Domain name of SMTP server that will accept relays from the server where App Portal is installed.


Port for the SMTP server.


Select this option to use SSL to send email.

SMTP User Name

Enter the SMTP user name.

Note:If using Active Directory, leave this field blank.

SMTP Password

Enter the SMTP password .

Note:If using Active Directory, leave this field blank.

SMTP Timeout

Seconds to allow for email processing

Email Batch Size

The number of emails processed in each batch

Pause Between Emails

The delay between sending each email to the SMTP server.

Email Retry Count

The number of times to retry failed emails.

Email Retry Delay

The delay between retrying failed emails.

Purge Email History

The number of days to retain email records

Email Prefix

The from field prefix of email messages sent from App Portal user@domain.com

Email Suffix

The from field suffix of email messages sent from App Portal user@domain.com

HTML Email Format

Decide whether to send email in HTML or plain text. (HTML Recommended)

Enable Custom User View (vCustomUser) for email variables

App Portal allows for a number of email variables to include in email messages. You can have additional email variables for user data by creating a vCustomUser view containing a UserResourceID column. Each column in the view will become an email variable to use in email messages.

Email Address for Site Alerts

Enter any email addresses to send administrative site alerts.

Email Address for Inventory Alerts

Enter any email addresses to send administrative inventory alerts.

Send License Install Alerts

Enable to send alerts to the procurement email list when a licensed application is installed and there are no available licenses.

Send Cancel Email

Select who should receive emails when a request is cancelled. Uses the “Cancelled Request” email template.

Send Request Email

Select who should receive notification when a new request is generated.

Send install success email

Select who should receive notification when an installation is successful.

Send install failure email

Select who should receive notification when an installation fails.

Send accept email

Select who should receive notification when a request is accepted.

Send approval email

Select who should receive notification when a request is approved.

Send reject email

Select who should receive notification when a request is rejected.

Send schedule reminder email

Select this option to send a reminder notification email the indicated number of days prior to the scheduled date.

Send readiness reminder email

Select this option to send a reminder notification email the indicated number of days prior to the start date. Also, enter a number to indicate how often this notification email should be repeatedly sent until the scheduled date is reached.