API Calls Used by App Portal to Integrate with Jamf Pro

Important:App Portal supports Jamf Pro 10.31.1, On Premises version. Jamf Pro on the Cloud is not officially supported. However, you may attempt to integrate with Jamf Pro on the Cloud using the API calls described in this section.

The following is a list of the APIs that App Portal uses to integrate with Jamf Pro:










<JamfProUrl>/JSSResource/computergroups/id/0 (POST)

<JamfProUrl>/JSSResource/policies/id/0 (POST)



<JamfProUrl>/JSSResource/categories/id/0 (POST)










Note:App Portal does not make any database calls into Jamf Pro.

API Descriptions

For details on the purpose of each of the APIs, enter <JamfProUrl>/api, where <JamfProUrl> is the URL of your Jamf Pro instance.

See Also