Common Tab

On the Common tab of the Deployment view, you need to select the deployment technology that App Portal should use to perform user syncing, computer syncing, evaluating collection membership, and other tasks.

You can connect App Portal to multiple deployment technologies: Microsoft Intune, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, Symantec Altiris, Workspace ONE UEM (mobile applications), and JAMF Pro (Macintosh desktop applications). You can also specify a custom connection string to another third-party deployment technology. You are permitted to set up App Portal to perform some tasks with one deployment technology and other tasks with a different deployment technology.

The Common subtab includes the following properties:

Settings > Deployment View / Common Tab



Define order for detecting client deployment technology

If you have entered connection settings for more than one deployment technology, specify the order in which App Portal will check them to determine which deployment technology the end user’s computer is a client of.

Syncing Users

Select the deployment technology that App Portal should use to sync users using built-in sync queries:

Not Defined 
SCCM 2012 

Important:If you are going to specify a custom user sync connection string in the Custom User Sync Settings area below, set this field to Not Defined.

Syncing Computers

Select the deployment technology that App Portal should use to sync computers using built-in sync queries:

Not Defined 
SCCM 2012 

Important:If you are going to specify a custom computer sync connection string in the Custom Computer Sync Settings and Custom User Computer Map Sync Settings areas below, set this field to Not Defined.

Evaluating collection membership

Select the deployment technology that App Portal should use to evaluate collection membership for standard conditions:

Not Defined 
SCCM 2012 

Inventory / OS Deployment

Select the deployment technology that you want App Portal to use to perform OS deployments and to read inventory data:

Not Defined 
SCCM 2012 

Note:Not supported for Altiris unless also using FlexNet Manager Suite.

Sync Page Size

Specify the batch size that App Portal should use to process users and computers. The default value is 100.

Sync Command Timeout (in seconds)

Specify the timeout value in seconds for the Sync Data command. The default value is 300.

Sync Data Now

Click to sync App Portal using the current selections.

Note:Until you sync user and computer data with the selected deployment technology, App Portal will not recognize the logged in user.

Note:The sync also happens at 2:00 a.m. each morning. To configure the time, open the Site Management > Settings > Timers tab and edit the Time of day to sync users and computers field.

Custom User Sync Settings

If you want App Portal to use custom user sync queries, enter those queries in the following text boxes:

Custom User ID Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain user IDs so that App Portal can process them in batch. See example in Custom User ID Sync SQL Query.
Custom User Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain all user columns. Some of the columns and their names are mandatory, as described in the provided query sample. See example in Custom User Sync SQL Query.
Custom User Sync Connection String—If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Users. See example in Custom User Sync Connection String.

Important:If you are using a custom source for user syncing, be sure to set the Syncing Users property to Not Defined.

Custom Computer Sync Settings

If you want to use custom computer sync queries, enter those queries in the following text boxes:

Custom Computer ID Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain computer IDs so that App Portal can process them in batch. See example in Custom Computer ID Sync SQL Query.
Custom Computer Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain all computer columns. Some of the columns and their names are mandatory, as described in the provided query sample. See example in Custom Computer Sync SQL Query.
Custom Computer Sync Connection String—If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Users. See example in Custom Computer Sync SQL Query.

Important:If you are using a custom source for computer syncing, be sure to set the Syncing Computers property to Not Defined.

Custom User Computer Map Sync Settings

If you want to use custom user computer map sync settings, enter those queries in the following text boxes:

Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain user IDs and computer IDs so that App Portal can process them in batch. See example in Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query .
Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query—Query to obtain all user and computer columns. Some of the columns and their names are mandatory, as described in the provided query sample. See example in Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query .
Custom User Computer Map Sync Connection String—If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Users. See example in Custom User Computer Map Sync Connection String.

Custom User Sync Settings

This section provides examples of code that could be used in the Custom User Sync Settings area of the Deployment > Common subtab:

Custom User ID Sync SQL Query
Custom User Sync SQL Query
Custom User Sync Connection String

Custom User ID Sync SQL Query

The following is example code of a custom user ID sync SQL query:

Custom User ID Sync SQL Query Example


Sample Code


SELECT DISTINCT Guid as UserResourceID, Name

FROM vUser



SCCM 2012

SELECT vru.ResourceID as UserResourceID

FROM v_R_User vru

ORDER BY vru.Name0

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the mandatory UserResourceID column.

Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Sync Settings button.

Custom User Sync SQL Query

The following is example code of a custom user sync SQL query:

Custom User Sync SQL Query Example


Sample Code


SELECT DISTINCT u.[Given Name] AS FirstName, u.[Surname] AS LastName, '' AS OS, u.[Office Location] AS Office, u.City as City, u.Zip AS PostalCode, u.Department AS Department, u.[Job Title] AS Title, u.Name AS UserName, u.Email AS Email, m.ManagerDN AS Manager, u.Guid AS UserResourceID, ad.[Distinguished Name] AS ADSPath, u.[Display Name] AS FullName, '' AS Name, u.Domain + '\' + Name AS UniqueName, '' AS UserDomain, u.Company AS Company, ou.[Distinguished Name] AS UserOU

FROM vUser u

INNER JOIN Inv_Global_Active_Directory_Details ad on ad._ResourceGuid = u.Guid

INNER JOIN Inv_OU_Membership ou on ou._ResourceGuid = u.Guid



SELECT ra.ParentResourceGuid, it.Name as Manager, ra.ChildResourceGuid, ad.[Distinguished Name] as ManagerDN

FROM ResourceAssociation ra

LEFT JOIN vItem it ON ra.ChildResourceGuid = it.Guid

INNER JOIN Inv_Global_Active_Directory_Details ad on ad._ResourceGuid = it.Guid

WHERE ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '049C633F-8413-42AE-93EA-F4EB7EDAFC65'

) m on m.ParentResourceGuid = u.Guid


SCCM 2012

SELECT DISTINCT givenName0 AS FirstName, sn0 AS LastName, DisplayName0 AS DisplayName, Network_Operating_System0 AS OS, physicalDeliveryOfficeNam0 AS Office, l0 AS City, vru.postalCode0 AS PostalCode, department0 AS Department, title0 AS Title, User_Name0 AS UserName, mail0 AS Email, manager0 AS Manager, vru.ResourceID AS UserResourceID, distinguished_Name0 AS ADSPath, Full_User_Name0 AS FullName, Name0 AS Name, Unique_User_Name0 AS UniqueName, Windows_NT_Domain0 AS UserDomain, company0 AS Company, ra.User_OU_Name0 AS UserOU

FROM v_R_User AS vru

LEFT JOIN v_RA_User_UserOUName ra on ra.ResourceID = vru.ResourceID

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the following mandatory columns:














UniqueName [in the format of Domain\UserName]




Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Sync Settings button.

Custom User Sync Connection String

The following is example code of a custom user sync connection string:

Custom User Sync Connection String Example


Sample Code



SCCM 2012

Data Source=DBSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Integrated Security=True

Note:If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Users.

Note:To verify your connection string, first click Save, and then click the Test User Sync Settings button.

Custom Computer Sync Settings

This section provides examples of code that could be used in the Custom Computer Sync Settings area of the Deployment > Common subtab:

Custom Computer ID Sync SQL Query
Custom Computer Sync SQL Query
Custom Computer Sync Connection String

Custom Computer ID Sync SQL Query

The following is example code of a custom computer ID sync SQL query:

Custom Computer ID Sync SQL Query Example


Sample Code


SELECT DISTINCT Guid AS ResourceID, Name AS MachineName

FROM vComputerEx



SCCM 2012

SELECT vrs.ResourceID, vrs.Netbios_Name0

FROM v_R_System vrs

ORDER BY vrs.Netbios_Name0

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the mandatory ResourceID column.

Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test Computer Sync Settings button.

Custom Computer Sync SQL Query

The following is example code of a custom computer sync SQL query:

Custom Computer Sync SQL Query Example


Sample Code


SELECT DISTINCT c.Guid AS ResourceID, c.Name AS MachineName, c.[User] AS SMSUserName, '' AS ADSite, c.IsManaged AS Client, c.IsManaged AS Active, 0 AS ClientType, 0 AS Obsolete, c.Domain AS UserDomain, c.Domain AS MachineDomain, '' AS ManagedBy, ou.[Distinguished Name] AS SystemOU

FROM dbo.vComputerEx c

INNER JOIN Inv_OU_Membership ou ON ou._ResourceGuid = c.Guid


SCCM 2012

SELECT DISTINCT vrs.ResourceID, Netbios_Name0 AS MachineName, User_Name0 AS SMSUserName, AD_Site_Name0 AS ADSite, Client0 AS Client, Active0 AS Active, Client_Type0 AS ClientType, Obsolete0 AS Obsolete, User_Domain0 AS UserDomain, Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0 as MachineDomain,vrs.Operating_System_Name_and0 as OperatingSystem, ra.System_OU_Name0 as SystemOU,
SELECT top 1 IP_Addresses0
FROM v_RA_System_IPAddresses
WHERE v_RA_System_IPAddresses.IP_Addresses0 not like '%:%' --ignore ipv6 address
AND v_RA_System_IPAddresses.ResourceID=vrs.ResourceID
) AS [IPAddress] , ManagedBy0 as ManagedBy
FROM dbo.v_R_System vrs
left join v_RA_System_SystemOUName ra on ra.ResourceID = vrs.ResourceID

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the following mandatory columns:













Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test Computer Sync Settings button.

Custom Computer Sync Connection String

The following is example code of a custom computer sync connection string:

Custom Computer Sync Connection String Example


Sample Code


SCCM 2012


Data Source=DBSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Integrated Security=True

Note:If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Computers.

Note:To verify your connection string, first click Save, and then click the Test Computer Sync Settings button.

Custom User Computer Map Sync Settings

This section provides examples of code that could be used in the Custom User Computer Map Sync Settings area of the Deployment > Common subtab:

Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query
Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query
Custom User Computer Map Sync Connection String

Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query

There are two examples of Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL queries:

Primary Example
Last Logon User Example

Primary Example

The following is example code of a custom user computer map ID sync SQL query for a primary device:

Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query / Primary Device


Sample Code


SCCM 2012


SELECT DISTINCT vrs.ResourceID, vrs.Netbios_Name0 AS MachineName FROM v_R_System AS vrs

INNER JOIN vUsersPrimaryMachines ON vrs.ResourceID = vUsersPrimaryMachines.MachineID

INNER JOIN v_R_User AS vru ON vUsersPrimaryMachines.UserResourceID = vru.ResourceID

ORDER BY vrs.Netbios_Name0


SELECT uc._ResourceGuid as [ResourceID], uc.Name AS [MachineName]

FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification uc

LEFT OUTER JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Primary_User pu ON pu._ResourceGuid = uc._ResourceGuid

ORDER BY uc.Name

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the mandatory ResourceID and MachineName columns.

Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Computer Map Sync Settings button.

Last Logon User Example

The following is example code of a custom user computer map ID sync SQL query for a last logon user:

Custom User Computer Map ID Sync SQL Query / Last Logon User


Sample Code


SCCM 2012

SELECT DISTINCT vrs.ResourceID, vrs.Netbios_Name0 AS MachineName

FROM v_R_System AS vrs

LEFT OUTER JOIN v_R_User AS vru ON vrs.User_Name0 = vru.User_Name0 AND vrs.User_Domain0 = vru.Windows_NT_Domain0

ORDER BY vrs.Netbios_Name0


SELECT uc._ResourceGuid AS [ResourceID], isnull(uc.[Name], uc.[Name]) AS [MachineName]

FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification uc

ORDER BY uc.Name

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the mandatory ResourceID and MachineName columns.

Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Computer Map Sync Settings button.

Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query

There are two examples of Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL queries:

Primary Example
Last Logon User Example

Primary Example

The following is example code of a custom user computer map sync SQL query for a primary device:

Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query / Primary Device


Sample Code


SCCM 2012


SELECT DISTINCT vrs.ResourceID, vru.Unique_User_Name0 AS UniqueName, vrs.Netbios_Name0 AS MachineName, 1 AS Active

FROM v_R_System AS vrs

INNER JOIN vUsersPrimaryMachines ON vrs.ResourceID = vUsersPrimaryMachines.MachineID

INNER JOIN v_R_User AS vru ON vUsersPrimaryMachines.UserResourceID = vru.ResourceID


SELECT * from


SELECT uc._ResourceGuid AS [ResourceID], uc.Name AS [MachineName], isnull([pu].[Domain] + N'\' , N'' ) + isnull( [User] , N'' ) AS [UniqueName], 1 AS [Active]

FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification uc

LEFT OUTER JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_Primary_User pu ON pu._ResourceGuid = uc._ResourceGuid

) uc

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the following mandatory columns:




Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Computer Map Sync Settings button.

Last Logon User Example

The following is example code of a custom user computer map sync SQL query for a last logon user:

Custom User Computer Map Sync SQL Query /Last Logon User


Sample Code


SCCM 2012

SELECT DISTINCT vrs.ResourceID, vrs.Netbios_Name0 AS MachineName, vru.Unique_User_Name0 AS UniqueName, 1 AS Active

FROM v_R_System AS vrs LEFT OUTER JOIN v_R_User AS vru ON vrs.User_Name0 = vru.User_Name0 AND vrs.User_Domain0 = vru.Windows_NT_Domain0





SELECT uc._resourceguid AS ResourceID, isnull( uc.[Name], uc.[Name]) AS [MachineName], isnull( uc.[Last Logon Domain] + N'\', N'' ) + isnull( uc.[Last Logon User], N'' ) AS [UniqueName], 1 AS [Active]

FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification uc

) uc

Note:App Portal is specifically looking to read the following mandatory columns:




Note:To verify your query and its columns, first click Save, and then click the Test User Computer Map Sync Settings button.

Custom User Computer Map Sync Connection String

The following is example code of a custom user computer map sync connection string:

Custom User Computer Map Sync Connection String


Sample Code


SCCM 2012


Data Source=DBSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Integrated Security=True

Note:If you do not specify a custom connection string, App Portal will default to the connection string of the technology selected for Syncing Users and Syncing Computers.

Note:To verify your connection string, first click Save, and then click the Test User Computer Map Sync Settings button.

Workaround for Intune Domain Name Sync Limitation

Microsoft Intune has a limitation of not being able to provide the domain value of the device. Due to this, if Intune is chosen as the source of device data sync, App Portal does not currently have support for license governance capabilities like license reservation and license reclamation. This is because device domain is an important value while getting license position and usage details from FlexNet Manager Suite. Due to this limitation, for customers who have a comanaged setup where they are using both Configuration Manager and Intune, for now, the recommendation would be to use Configuration Manager as the source of data sync until Intune provides the capability to fetch domain name. However, if Intune is chosen as the source for data sync, a workaround is provided to fetch the device domain data which is detailed in Intune Domain Name Limitation and Workaround.

See Also