Important:The product name for this user guide has changed from Foundation and Cloudscape to Business Service Discovery and Migration Planning.
Now it is time to enter Subnet information. We can’t go any further without entering at least one subnet. There are three options for entering subnet information. You can enter a subnet individually, populate from a routing table, or populate from a .csv file.
To enter subnet information:
Click the Subnets link on the Dashboard page.
To enter subnets individually, enter a network address >> select Subnet Mask from the dropdown >> Click Add.
To populate from a routing table, click Populate from routing table >> at the prompt, select the version of SNMP you are using >> enter your credentials.
To enter subnets using a .csv file, click Populate from CSV >> click Choose File and browse to your subnets.csv file >> select the file and click Open, and click Upload.
Note:The file must be under 1MB and formatted as either network address/CIDR prefix, or network address/CIDR prefix new line. (ex.,
In the following table, select all of the subnets you wish to scan.
After you have confirmed that you have selected all subnets for which you want information, click the Dashboard button.