Single Host Agents
This page allows you to:
Search for a site name to edit the configuration for agents joined to different sites. |
Manage configurations and schedule scans for the hosts where the Agent is installed as a service in Single Host mode. |
To search for a site name to edit the configuration for agents joined to different sites:
Navigate to the Single Host Agents view. |
In the Scan 1 selected host search box, enter the site name and host name using the “OR” condition to show the respective result. |
To manage the configuration of the selected Agent and change its settings (Inspection type, Check-in frequency, Days between scans):
Double-click a host or Right-click a host name and select Edit Configuration. |
The Agent Configuration for Host wizard opens.
Change the below settings as required: |
Agent Check-In Frequency |
Select Save Configuration to save the changes. |
To manage the configuration of the selected Site and change its settings (Inspection type, Check-in frequency, Days between scans):
Right-click a host name and select Edit Site Configuration to manage the configuration for all the hosts in that Site. |
Select Yes in the Confirm Edit alert box. |
Agent Configuration for site wizard opens, you can change the below settings as required: |
Agent check-in frequency |
Note:A Site is linked to multiple hosts, Edit Site configuration reflects the setting changes in all the hosts in that Site.
Select Save Configuration to save the changes. |
Important:When selecting options under Edit Site Configuration, note that:
Any edits to the scan schedule will come into effect only after the currently scheduled scan has completed. Each agent could potentially have a scan scheduled at different times. Therefore, any new scan configuration edit will affect the scan schedule at various times. |
Any edits made to the Agent Check-In Frequency option or selecting the Schedule Next Scan option Scan host as soon as possible will come into effect only after an agent has checked in as per the previously set scan frequency. |
The scan configuration settings set on the Software Vulnerability Manager website are not automatically transmitted to the agents. The agents have to connect to the Software Vulnerability Manager website as per their prior scheduled Agent Check-In Frequency before the agents become aware of the new scan configuration edits. |
The hosts scanned with the csia.exe will be grouped by Site. By default, the domain name will be used as a Site name.
To change a Site name, please refer to Sites. You can also specify a Site name when installing the Agent, by using the -g parameter or by specifying a site name in the additional parameters when creating the Agent deployment package described in Agent Deployment.
Note:When the agent runs as a service agent, it reads CSIAUser, CSIAToken, CSIAHost, CSIAPort, ProxyURL, and other optional settings from registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Secunia\CSI Agent.
When the agent runs manually from the command line, the agent reads only CSIAUser, CSIAToken, CSIAHost, and CSIAPort from the registry unless required settings are specified on the command line or embedded in the executable. Other optional settings such has ProxyURL to be specified on the command line. The Agent doesn't read them from the registry.
The color codings are as mentioned below: |
If date is more than 7 days (604800 seconds) => Red |
If date is more than 1 day (86400 seconds) => Yellow |
If date is less than 1 day => Green |
If date is more than 32 days (2764800 seconds) => Red |
If date is more than 8 days (691200 seconds) => Yellow |
If date is less than 8 days => Green |