Software Vulnerability Manager with Scanning and Patching Capabilities
To successfully scan and create updates, the following should also be present when using Software Vulnerability Manager:
Internet Explorer 11 or higher with Software Vulnerability Manager Plug-in installed (in order for Software Vulnerability Manager to connect to WSUS and to create packages successfully, Internet Explorer must be run as administrator in most cases - right-click and select Run as administrator). |
In Internet Explorer Tools > Internet options > Advanced, ensure Use TLS 1.2 are selected. |
WSUS Administration Console matching your WSUS server's version. |
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012. |
Microsoft .NET Framework runtime 4 or later. |
If the WSUS Self-Signed Certificate is going to be used, and the user wishes to provision the certificate through the Patching > WSUS/System Center > Deployment function, Remote Registry service must be enabled on the clients. |
Select the target hosts where the certificate is to be installed (CTRL+ mouse click for multiple selection), right-click and select Verify and Install Certificate. |
Note:If your organization allows specific URL to access to the Internet, and you are having problems downloading or verifying a patch, ensure the CRLs are allowed; examine the logs to identify the download's source, and examine the certificate at that address for its CRL distribution points.
To successfully run patching on Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2:
On the Windows Server machine, from the Server Manager, go to Add Roles & Features > Features. |
Select the Appropriate Installation Type (Role-Based & Feature Based as opposed to Remote Desktop Services Installation). |
Select the local server as the Destination Server for the installation. |
Click Next to bypass the Server Roles menu and go to the Features menu. |
Within the Features menu, scroll down the list and find the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). |
Expand the RSAT feature menu and locate the Role Administration Tools list of features. |
Expand the list and find Windows Server Update Services Tools. |
Enable this feature and all additional sub-features listed underneath it (API and PowerShell cmdlets and User Interface Management Console). |
Proceed to the end of the Add Roles & Features Wizard by clicking Next and then Install. |
Restart Windows and launch Software Vulnerability Manager from a web browser (for example Internet Explorer). |