Product Installations Scan Info API

The information required to view each Product Installations Scan results is organized into the following tabs:

Product Installation Scan Info API Information

Requirement Types



Note:The value for <XYZ> and "n" in the above API is defined in the Parameters section.




uid = UID Value taken from successful login. See How to Obtain the Token .
action = results
which = get_installations
productId = "product_id":"n" value from the JSON response of Configured Product Groups API.
smartGroupId = "id":"n" value from the JSON response of Product Smart Group API.

Note:The above parameters have to be entered in the <XYZ> of above API respectively.


{"success":true,"error_code":0,"data":{"rows":[{"state":"1","nsi_device_id":"737","host":"BANGHV_QA_WIN8A","langroup":"SCCM","updated":"2019-07-04 08:39:58","version":"16.0.10730.20344","missing_ms_kb":"","path":"c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft office\\root\\office16\\excel.exe","secure_status":"0","vuln_id":"86947","vuln_title":"Microsoft Multiple Products Multiple Vulnerabilities","vuln_criticality":"2","vuln_threat_score":"6"},{"state":"0","nsi_device_id":"732","host":"CSI7-WIN10-59","langroup":"SCCM","updated":"2019-07-04 08:39:14","version":"16.0.11727.20230","missing_ms_kb":"","path":"c:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft office\\root\\office16\\excel.exe","secure_status":"1","vuln_id":"-","vuln_title":"-","vuln_criticality":"-","vuln_threat_score":""},..

Received Information

The following information will be received in the API response:

"state"—If product is secure, insecure = 0, eol = < 0, patched = > 0
"nsi_device_id"—Device Id
"host"—Host Name
"langroup"—Domain Name
"updated"—Last Scan date
"version"—Product Version
"missing_ms_kb"—Missing MS KB
"path"—Product Path in system
"secure_status"—If product is secure, insecure = 0, eol = < 0, patched = > 0
"vuln_title"—Title of SAID
"vuln_criticality"—SAID criticality
"vuln_threat_score"—Threat Score

Note:Threat Score is available only for users with Threat Intelligence module.