Command Line

Reports can be used in a patchset as automation updates. They can also be used for backup or migration purposes, i.e. from one machine to another. The purpose of these commands is to:

Import/export canned reports
Import/export canned templates
Import/export user reports
Import/export user templates


If the user has access to the Pentaho User Console, they can download and upload the reports under the /UserReports folder. Follow the below steps in order to migrate reports:


1. Run the command to export the report. The filename should be the full filename. You can find the filename in the ‘Report’ menu, then navigate to ‘About this Report.’
‘xanalyzer’ is an extension filename for analyzer report.
‘prpti’ for interactive reports.
‘xdash’ for dashboard.

Note:Spaces in the report title are replaced with an underscore within the report filename. For instance, “Analyze.exe /EXPORT=“/UserReports/my_first_report.xanalyzer.” The filepath needs to be passed into the import command; otherwise, it will fail. The location of the Analyze.exe is ($:\Program Files\BDNA\User Console\Bin).

2. The report file is saved in folder “%NORMALIZE_BI_HOME%\Database\Reporting\UserReports\”.
3. Copy the report to another server.
4. Run the command in order to import the report. The filename should be the full filename with the absolute path. For example, “Analyze.exe/import=“%NORMALIZE_BI_HOME%\Database\Reporting\UserReports\My_First_Report.xanalyzer”.
5. Perform the catalog sync.