Technopedia: Manufacturer

This section provides Technopedia: Manufacturer field descriptions for the following:




MFR Tier

Categorization of manufacturers based on priority/importance

MFR Name

Manufacturer name (as obtained from the official website)

MFR Manufacturer ID

Manufacturer identification number

MFR Legal

Legal entity of the company (e.g., Corporation, Limited, etc.)

MFR Description

Brief description of the manufacturer

MFR Also known as

Another name the manufacturer is known as (e.g., abbreviation, expanded name, informal name, etc.)

Manufacturer Financial Information



MFR Is Publicly traded?

Indicates whether a manufacturer/vendor is publicly traded. (Values: Y or N)

MFR Symbol

Company stock/ticker symbol (if publicly traded)

MFR Revenue

Latest annual revenue (in millions, USD)

MFR Revenue date

Date the revenue number was collected

MFR Profits per year

Annual profits (in millions, USD)

MFR Profits date

Date the profits number was collected

MFR Employees

Number of employees

MFR Employees date

Date the number of employees was collected

MFR Fiscal end date

Date that marks the end of the manufacturer/vendor fiscal year

Manufacturer Contact Information



MFR Country

Country where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of headquarters)

MFR State

State/province the manufacturer/vendor headquarters is located


Zip/postal code of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters

MFR City

City where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of headquarters)

MFR Street

Street address of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters

MFR Phone

Manufacturer telephone number


Manufacturer fax number

MFR Email

Manufacturer email address

MFR Website

Manufacturer official website

Manufacturer Acquisition Information



MFR Is Owned/Acquired?

Indicates whether a manufacturer is owned or has been acquired by another manufacturer

MFR Owner

Manufacturer owner or acquirer, if applicable

MFR Manufacturer owner ID

Manufacturer owner identification number

MFR Date acquired

Date the manufacturer was acquired, if applicable

Industry Tags and Codes



IND Industry tag ID

Unique identifier for industry tag

IND Industry tag

“Vertical integration” tag that identifies the industry within which a manufacturer belongs, based on the majority of their products

IND Industry codes ID

Unique identifier for Industry Code

IND Code source

Source from which industry tag categories are derived. (Values: NAICS, SIC, or UNSPSC)

IND Code number

Numeric codes of the industry categories used by NAICS, SIC, and UNSPSC

IND Code title

Category titles from NAICS, SIC, and UNSPSC




TAX Type

Software or hardware taxonomy

TAX Group

Optional attribute you can use to further simplify/re-organize the current, 2-level BDNA taxonomy into an additional, higher level. It groups Taxonomy parent ID into several discrete buckets

TAX Taxonomy parent ID

Identifier for BDNA parent taxonomy

TAX Category


TAX Category Description

Brief description of the category

TAX Taxonomy ID

Identifier for BDNA taxonomy

TAX Subcategory


TAX Subcategory

Description Brief description of the subcategory

Private Indicators



PRI Is Private?

Indicates whether the data being analyzed is private or not

PRI Type

Indicates the type of private data, options are: Proprietary item or Modified item

PRI Table

Name of the table that has private data.

PRI Attribute

Name of the attribute that has been edited.




HW Model Count

Distinct Hardware Model Count

SW Release Count

Distinct Software Release Count