Technopedia: Software Security

This section provides Technopedia: Software Security field descriptions for the following:




SW Category

Software category (first level of taxonomy)

SW Subcategory

Software subcategory (second level of taxonomy)

SW Vendor Category

Product category per vendor

SW Manufacturer

Software manufacturer name

SW Manufacturer ID

Software manufacturer identification number

SW Family

Brand/family the software product belongs to, if applicable

SW Name

Name of the software product

SW Name ID

Software name identification number

SW Component

Component of the software product, if applicable

SW Market Version

Software market version (version group)

SW Market Version ID

Software market version identification number

SW Version

Software version number/name associated with the release

SW Version ID

Software verion identification number

SW Service Pack

Software patch, update, or service pack level, if applicable

SW Edition

Software product edition name

SW Edition ID

Software edition identification number

SW Is Licensable?

Indicates whether the software release is licensable or not

SW Is Suite?

Indicates whether the software product is a suite

SW Suite

Software suite

SW Is Suite Component?

Indicates whether the software product is a component of a suite

SW Suite Component

Software suite component

SW Cloud or On-Premise?

Identifies whether the product is 'Cloud Only', 'On-Premise-Only', or 'Cloud and On-Premise'

SW On-premise equivalent

Equivalent on-premise product for cloud product

SW Cloud equivalent

Equivalent cloud product for on-premise product

Software Lifecycle (Calculated)



SW Is Supported? (calc.)

BDNA guideline to customers, as to the support status for a product

SW Supported Reason (calc.)

Reason determining the product support status. I.e. published date, calculated date, version sequence

SW EOL Year (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Quarter (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated quarter-in-year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Month (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated month-in-year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Date (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated date is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW Desupported? (calc.)

A flag that indicates whether the version has been discontinued/desupported

SW Version Order (calc.)

Number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released during the history of the product

SW Max Versions (calc.)

The highest version order of all the versions that were released during the history of the product

SW Versions (calc.)

Number of versions between the particular version and the highest version of the product

Common Platform Enumeration



SW CPE Definition

The title/name of the software product for which the CPE URI is assigned. This refers to 'ns1:title’ column in CPE Dictionary (which is published by the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology, NIST)


Part component of CPE URI

SW CPE Vendor

Vendor component of CPE URI

SW CPE Product

Product component of CPE URI

SW CPE Edition

Edition component of CPE URI


The generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) for Common Platform Enumeration (CPE), which includes a formal name format, a method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding


Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) value amongst all CVE entries that are associated with this CPE

SW CPE Max CVSS Severity

Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) Severity amongst all CVE entries that are associated with this CPE

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures




Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), an open framework for communicating the characteristics and impacts of IT vulnerabilities which is adopted in The National Vulnerability Database (NVD)

SW CVE CVSS Severity

The order of severity based on CVSS score: High (CVSS score of 7.0 - 10.0), Medium (CVSS score of 4.0 - 6.9), Low (CVSS score of 0.0 - 3.9)

Private Indicators



PRI Is Private?

Indicates whether the data being analyzed is private or not

PRI Type

Indicates the type of private data, options are: Proprietary item or Modified item

PRI Table

Name of the table that has private data.

PRI Attribute

Name of the attribute that has been edited.




SW Product Count

Software Product Count

SW Version Count

Software Version Count

SW Edition Count

Software Edition Count

SW Release Count

Software Release Count

SW CVE Instance Count

Count of Software CVE Vulnerability (product level)

SW Max CVSS Score

Maximum CVSS Vulnerability Score of the associated CPE_URI. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an open framework for communicating the characteristics and impacts of IT vulnerabilities which is adopted in The National Vulnerability Database (NVD)