Technopedia: Software

This section provides Technopedia: Software field descriptions for the following:




SW Category

Software category (first level of taxonomy)

SW Subcategory

Software subcategory (second level of taxonomy)

SW Vendor Category

Product category per vendor

SW Manufacturer

Software manufacturer name

SW Manufacturer ID

Software manufacturer identification number

SW Family

Brand/family the software product belongs to, if applicable

SW Name

Name of the software product

SW Name ID

Software name identification number

SW Component

Component of the software product, if applicable

SW Market Version

Software market version (version group)

SW Market Version ID

Software market version identification number

SW Version

Software version number/name associated with the release

SW Version ID

Software version identification number

SW Service Pack

Software patch, update, or service pack level, if applicable

SW Edition

Software product edition name

SW Edition ID

Software edition identification number

SW Release ID

Software release identification number

SW Is Licensable?

Indicates whether the software release is licensable or not

SW Is Suite?

Indicates whether the software product is a suite

SW Suite

Software suite

SW Is Suite Component?

Indicates whether the software product is a component of a suite

SW Suite Component

Software suite component

SW Cloud or On-Premise?

Identifies whether the product is 'Cloud Only', 'On-Premise-Only', or 'Cloud and On-Premise'

SW On-premise equivalent

Equivalent on-premise product for cloud product

SW Cloud equivalent

Equivalent cloud product for on-premise product

Software Lineage



SW Former Product

Immediate former/previous iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Later Product

Immediate later/subsequent iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Oldest Product

Oldest iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Latest Product

Latest/newest iteration of the product within its lineage

Software Platform



SW Former Product

Immediate former/previous iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Later Product

Immediate later/subsequent iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Oldest Product

Oldest iteration of the product within its lineage

SW Latest Product

Latest/newest iteration of the product within its lineage

Software Lifecycle (Calculated)



SW Is Supported? (calc.)

BDNA guideline to customers, as to the support status for a product

SW Supported Reason (calc.)

Reason determining the product support status. I.e. published date, calculated date, version sequence

SW EOL Year (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Quarter (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated quarter-in-year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Month (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated month-in-year is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW EOL Date (calc.)

Calculated software version end-of-life date. Calculated date is based on Technopedia software product published dates

SW Desupported? (calc.)

A flag that indicates whether the version has been discontinued/desupported

SW Version Order (calc.)

Number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released during the history of the product

SW Max Versions (calc.)

The highest version order of all the versions that were released during the history of the product

SW Versions (calc.)

Number of versions between the particular version and the highest version of the product

Software Lifecycle (General Availability)



SW GA Year

Year the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, captured as published by the vendor

SW GA Quarter

Quarter-in-year the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, captured as published by the vendor

SW GA Month

Month-in-year the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, captured as published by the vendor

SW GA Date

Date the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, captured as published by the vendor

SW GA Exception

Reason why the General Availability date is not available, or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided

SW GA Range (Start)

Start date of estimated range of period within which the actual General Availability date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

SW GA Range (End)

End date of estimated range of period within which the actual General Availability date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

Software Lifecycle (End of Life)




Last year full support for product is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. Partial support is still available

SW EOL Quarter

Last quarter-in-year full support for product is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. Partial support is still available

SW EOL Month

Last month-in-year full support for product is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. Partial support is still available


Last date full support for product is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. Partial support is still available

SW EOL Support Level

Name of support level that marks the end-of-life, captured as published by the vendor

SW EOL Exception

Reason why the end-of-life date is not available, or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided

SW EOL Range (Start)

Start date of estimated range of period within which the actual end-of-life date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

SW EOL Range (End)

End date of estimated range of period within which the actual end-of-life date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

Software Lifecycle (Obsolescence)




Last year any support is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self-help online support

SW OBS Quarter

Last quarter-in-year any support is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self-help online support

SW OBS Month

Last month-in-year any support is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self-help online support


Last date any support is provided by the vendor, captured as published by the vendor. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self-help online support

SW OBS Support Level

Name of support level that marks the obsolete, captured as published by the vendor

SW Obs Exception

Reason why the obsolete date is not available, or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided

SW Obs Range (Start)

Start date of estimated range of period within which the actual obsolete date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

SW Obs Range (End)

End date of estimated range of period within which the actual obsolete date could possibly lie. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided'

Software Support Policy



SW Support Policy

Name of the support policy, captured as published by the vendor

SW Support Stage

Name of the support stage/level, captured as published by the vendor

SW Support Stage Order

Order of the support stage/level

SW Support Stage Definition

Support stage definition

Software Pricing

Caution:All Software Pricing cubes, categories, and fields have been deprecated and are no longer supported. These descriptions are provided here for reference purposes only



SW Currency Code

Currency code as defined in ISO 4217, which is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization, which delineates currency designators, country codes (alpha and numeric), and references to minor units

SW Minimum Price

Minimum (lowest price) amongst all the prices that are available for this particular software release

SW Average Price

Average price of all the prices that are available for this particular software release

SW Maximum Price

Maximum (highest price) amongst all the prices that are available for this particular software release

Open Source Software



OSS Type

A license type identifies the high level nature of a license category: Open Source or Proprietary.

OSS Category

A license category, provides a major grouping for licenses, generally describing the relationship between the licensor and licensee.

OSS License

Short name of the licenses that apply to the component.

OSS Is Primary License?

Indicates whether a named license assigned to a component is the primary named license for that component.

OSS Keywords

General software categories, multi-value as a list.

OSS Source

Source of data

Private Indicators



PRI Is Private?

Indicates whether the data being analyzed is private or not

PRI Type

Indicates the type of private data, options are: Proprietary item or Modified item

PRI Table

Name of the table that has private data.

PRI Attribute

Name of the attribute that has been edited.




SW Product Count

Software Product Count

SW Version Count

Software Version Count

SW Edition Count

Software Edition Count

SW Release Count

Software Release Count

SW Minimum Price

Caution:SW Minimum Price has been deprecated and is no longer supported. This description is provided here for reference purposes only.

Minimum (lowest price) amongst all the prices that are available for this particular software release

SW Average Price

Caution:SW Average Price has been deprecated and is no longer supported. This description is provided here for reference purposes only.

Average price of all the prices that are available for this particular software release

SW Maximum Price

Caution:SW Maximum Price has been deprecated and is no longer supported. This description is provided here for reference purposes only.

Maximum (highest price) amongst all the prices that are available for this particular software release