Compliance Policies

Note:Click the link in the Policy Name column to access the corresponding policy template.

Enterprises typically have multiple compliance requirements but struggle to automate them which leads to downtime as well as resource waste. By having a strong compliance strategy but also ability to quickly automate it provides peace of mind and avoids business interruption.

Policy Name


AWS Disallowed Regions 

Checks for instances that are in a disallowed region with the option to terminate them.

AWS EC2 Instances not running FlexNet Inventory Agent 

Checks for instances that are not running the IT Asset Management Agent.

AWS IAM Role Audit 

Verifies whether the provided roles exist in an account.

AWS Long-Stopped EC2 Instances 

Checks for EC2 instances that have been stopped for a long time with the option to terminate them after approval.

AWS Service Control Policy Audit 

Verifies whether the provided service control policy is applied across all accounts in an AWS organization.

AWS Untagged Resources 

Finds all taggable AWS resources missing any of the user provided tags with the option to update the tags.

AWS Unused ECS Clusters 

Reports and remediates any ECS clusters that are not currently in use.

Azure AHUB Utilization with Manual Entry 

Reports when AHUB usage in Azure falls outside or inside the number of licenses specified by the user.

Azure Disallowed Regions 

Check for instances that are in a disallowed region with the option to power off or delete them.

Azure Instances not running FlexNet Inventory Agent 

Checks for instances that are not running the IT Asset Management Inventory Agent.

Azure Long Stopped Compute Instances 

Checks for virtual machines that have been stopped for a long time with the option to terminates them after approval.

Azure Policy Audit 

Checks for policies applied to Azure Subscriptions.

Azure Regulatory Compliance 

Provides an overview for the various Regulatory Compliance controls and generates an email with the results.

Azure Subscription Access 

Lists anyone who has been granted Owner or Contributor access to an Azure subscription.

Azure Tag Resources with Resource Group Name 

Scans all resources in an Azure Subscription, raises an incident if any resources are not tagged with the name of their Resource Group, and remediates by tagging the resource.

Azure Untagged Resources 

Finds all taggable Azure resources missing any of the user-provided tags with the option to update the tags.

Azure Untagged Virtual Machines 

Checks for Azure virtual machines missing the user-specified tags. An incident is raised containing the untagged virtual machines, and the user has the option to power off, delete, or tag the virtual machines.

Note:This policy is specific to virtual machines (Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines). The Azure Untagged Resources policy is recommended for finding untagged resources that are not virtual machines.

Billing Center Access Report 

Generates an access report by Billing Center.

Flexera IAM Explicit User Roles 

Identifies users in Flexera IAM that have explicit user roles assigned. Available Seats Report 

Gets the number of available seats for a licensed GitHub Org and creates an incident if they are out of the policy range. Repositories without Admin Team 

Gets the repositories under a Organization and creates incidents for any that do not have at least 1 Team assigned with the “admin” role. Repository Branches without Protection 

Gets the repositories and branches under a Organization and creates incidents for any that do not have protection enabled for their default branch. Unpermitted Outside Collaborators 

Gets all the Outside Collaborators (Users that have been granted access to a repository, but are not Members of the repository owner's Organization) under Organization(s) and creates an incident for each user that is not included in the specified username safelist. Unpermitted Repository Names 

Gets the names of all repositories under Organization(s) and creates incidents for any that do not match any of the safelisted regex strings. Unpermitted Sized Repositories 

Gets all repositories under Organization(s) and creates incidents for any that were created longer than a specified number of days ago, and are smaller than a specified size. Unpermitted Top-Level Teams 

Gets the top-level / parent Teams for a Org and creates an incident if any do not match the safelisted values.

Google Long-Stopped VM instances 

Reports on any Google VM instances that have been stopped for a long time with the option to delete them.

Google Unlabeled Resources 

Finds all Google Cloud resources (disks, images, instances, snapshots, buckets, vpn Gateways) missing any of the user-provided labels with the option to update the resources with the missing labels.

ITAM Expiring Licenses 

Looks up active IT Asset Management Licenses expiring within a defined time period and sends the result as an email.

ITAM Ignored Recent Inventory Dates 

Looks for machines that are ignored but have been inventoried recently and sends the result as an email.

ITAM Missing Active Machines 

Looks for machines that are active but haven't checked in and sends the result as an email.

ITAM Overused Licenses 

Looks up software licenses and reports in an email any licenses that are overused.

ITAM VMs Missing Host ID 

Looks for virtual machines that are active but are missing a Host ID.