Generic Credentials

The generic credentials can be used to authenticate with most API services, and the specific format and content of the fields are driven by what the service requires. The following sections describe each generic credential type and how they might be used.

Basic Auth (Username/Password)


This credential type is used for services that have a simple API key that is used to authenticate. Generally this is just a string that is provided with some guidance on how to use that string in an API call. Some systems require the key be sent in a header while others require the key is sent in the query string.

Details for creating an API Key credential using the scheme api_key can be found in the Credentials API documentation.

Basic Auth (Username/Password)

This credential type is used for services that use username and password authentication.

Details for creating a basic auth credential using the scheme basic can be found in the Credentials API documentation.


This credential type is used for services that leverage NTLM authentication, which generally speaking is Windows-based services. If the auth requires domain and username, use the domain\username format in the username field.

Details for creating an NTLM credential using the scheme ntlm can be found in the Credentials API documentation.


Many web services support OAuth2 for authentication. OAuth2 comes in many flavors with different grant types, such as client credentials, JWT bearer, and refresh tokens. The configuration page supports all those types of OAuth2 credentials and the various options for each.

Details for creating an OAuth2 credential using the scheme oauth2 can be found in the Credentials API documentation.