Policy Template Language Functions

Functions make it possible to compute values dynamically, for example by concatenating multiple values together or extracting sub-text from an API response. The syntax for calling a function is:

<function>(<term>, <term>, …)

For example:


Functions can accept a number of basic types as parameters. These basic types strongly parallel what you might find in JSON or JavaScript:

Number—a number can be an integer or floating point value.
String—a string value, denoted with ""
Boolean—true or false.
Regexp—a regular expression value. Always denoted in the language with // brackets. For example, the function which accepts a Regexp might be called like contains("hello world", /hello/) 
Array—an array of any of the other values.
Object—an object is a hash or map of values. See the policy template language Syntax for details.
Datasource, Resource—Datasources and resources are treated as an array of objects if used as a parameter to a function

Click the appropriate link below to learn more about a specific function:

Array Functions
Object Functions
Comparison Functions
String Functions
Logical Operators
Number Functions
Conversion Functions