Inventory Settings Page
Tip:This does not include third-party inventory collected from other products such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM), ILMT, and the like. For other settings that are inclusive and affect all inventory sources, navigate to the Inventory tab in the IT Asset Management Settings General page (Administration > IT Asset Management Settings > General).
FlexNet inventory is uploaded through one or more inventory beacons (where the FlexNet Beacon software is installed). For this reason, self-update schedules for the inventory beacon are included here as well.
Tip:For a separate group of long-term inventory settings for advanced use, navigate to the Inventory tab in the IT Asset Management Settings General page (Administration > IT Asset Management Settings > General).
Important:There are some automatic internal targets available for inventory gathering rules in IT Asset Management. Activation of these targets requires that you have clicked Save on this page at least once. You do not need to make any changes to the default settings on the page: simply clicking Save ensures that the automatic targets are activated. Once activated, these allow, for example, targeting all Windows devices, or all OS X/macOS devices, or all UNIX-based devices.