Inventory Systems Tab
Deleting a Database Connection
If you have moved data to a different database, or no longer require the data from a particular database to be imported into IT Asset Management, you can delete a database connection. But first...
The decision to delete a database connection should not be taken lightly.
If you delete a connection from an inventory beacon, the data collected from it that has already been imported goes stale over time. If that is the outcome you want, just select the connection in the list and click Delete.
Scheduling Execution
See Scheduling a Connection. In addition to any scheduled execution, you can select any connection from the list, and click Execute Now.
The following columns appear in the list.
Property |
Description |
Connection Name |
A descriptive name for this connection that you created when specifying the connection. |
Type |
The type of connection specifies the way that the inventory beacon will handle and label the data it uploads. Full details of the connection types are available in Managing Microsoft SQL Server Database Connections. |
Server |
The server name or IP address, or the reserved word (local) if the target database is on this same inventory beacon server. |
Database |
The name of the database on the above server that the inventory beacon connects to, and from which it extracts inventory information. |
Connection String |
Required only for connections to systems other than Microsoft SQL Server, such as ILMT. For details, see Managing Other Database Connections. |
Overlapping Inventory |
If you use more than one inventory source, it is possible to get overlapping inventory (records about the same endpoint device from multiple inventory tools). The Overlapping Inventory control is particularly useful for managing migration from one inventory tool to another (or to a new version of your chosen tool). Settings are shown as:
Note:In the interests of keeping inventory current, the nn day filter control has a maximum value of 60 days. For more about setting this control, see Connecting to External Inventory Systems and its subtopics. |
Last run |
The date and time when this inventory connection was most recently executed. |
Next run |
The date and time when the inventory beacon is next scheduled to collect inventory from this connection. Adjusted on the Scheduling page. |