Password Management Tab
This tab may have three different appearances, depending on whether the individual inventory beacon has detected CyberArk integration, and whether an administrator has chosen to disable the use of CyberArk from this inventory beacon. These appearances are described from simplest to most complete.
No CyberArk Integration is Available
This page is only an anchoring point, from which you can open Password Manager in its own window (click Launch Password Manager). In this mode, all credentials (account/password pairs) are stored directly in the local FlexNet Beacon vault. See the following topics for details about Using Password Manager.
CyberArk is Available, But Disabled
The group Configure CyberArk connection appears at the top of the page, but contains only two items:
The indicator that CyberArk Credential Provider is installed on this inventory beacon. |
The cleared (empty) check box labeled Use CyberArk Credential Provider on this inventory beacon. It is unchecked because someone with administrator privileges has disabled (presumably, temporarily) the use of CyberArk from this inventory beacon (each inventory beacon must be controlled independently, as there is no communication between inventory beacons where they could share this information). |
In this mode:
Only credentials saved in the FlexNet Beacon vault are available for use by the inventory beacon in remote execution tasks. |
The inventory beacon cannot request existing credentials from CyberArk. Remote execution tasks for any target device with credentials (only) in CyberArk will fail. |
As always, changes in Password Manager have no effect on credentials stored within CyberArk. Disabling integration does not, for example, remove any credentials from CyberArk. |
Similarly, temporarily disabling integration with CyberArk does not remove any records from Password Manager, including records that link to credentials saved in CyberArk. So that you can continue to manage credentials that you have saved in CyberArk, these records remain visible in the Password Manager interface; but they cannot be used for remote execution tasks until you re-enable the use of CyberArk from this inventory beacon. |
You may either:
Click Use CyberArk Credential Provider on this inventory beacon to enable (or re-enable) CyberArk, entering the mode described below. |
Click Launch Password Manager to open Password Manager in its own window. See the following topics for details about using Password Manager. |
CyberArk is Available, and Enabled
The group Information for CyberArk connection appears at the top of the page, containing:
The indicator that CyberArk Credential Provider is installed on this inventory beacon. |
The selected check box Use CyberArk Credential Provider on this inventory beacon that is enabling the use of CyberArk integration. |
Several data fields providing information that can be copied and pasted to configure CyberArk to accept connections from this inventory beacon. |
The configuration of CyberArk is, in principle, a one-time operation performed by your CyberArk administrator. (However, depending on the level of security applied, the configuration may also need to be updated each time the FlexNet Beacon software on this inventory beacon is updated. For this reason, if you are working in a highly secure environment, you may wish to control the timing of updates to inventory beacons, as described in Upgrading IT Asset Management Inventory Beacons and related topics.)
The information in these fields is read-only, and supplied automatically by the inventory beacon.
You may either:
Ask your CyberArk administrator to configure the appropriate CyberArk vault with the data supplied. Full details are available in the CyberArk documentation, and an overview is included in Inventory Beacon Credentials for Other Computers in the System Reference. |
Click Launch Password Manager to open Password Manager in its own window. See the following topics for details about using Password Manager. |