Unlicensed Installations

The Licenses > License Management > Unlicensed Installations page lists software installations that are unlicensed (and potentially licensable), as of the most recent inventory import and licensing calculations.

There may be two reasons why these installations are currently unlicensed:

Reasons for Unlicensed Installations




There is no license created for an application of this name, version, and edition. Every reported installation of this application is unlicensed.

Typically the Installed and Unlicensed counts will be the same, and Related Licenses displays 0 (zero).

Choose whether this application is of the kind you wish to process now:

No—Create a filter (or an advanced filter) to hide the applications that don't need attention now. For example, while preparing for a Microsoft audit, you might create an advanced filter where "Publisher Contains Microsoft" AND "Classification Equals Commercial". (Alternatively. you can manage your to-do list through the Unmanaged Applications and Deferred Applications lists. Applications with a Deferred status do not appear in this Unlicensed Installations list.)
Yes—Find the purchase records relating to this software, and import the purchase order details to create an appropriate license matching your purchase(s). You can also create the license manually starting from this list, and link purchase details to it later.

There is a license for the software, but for some reason some installation(s) cannot be covered by that license.

Tip:These are complete exclusions from the license, and not simply over- consumption. In contrast, a license where there are too many related installations is shown "at risk", and over-utilized installations are not included in this list.

Installed and Unlicensed counts may be different, and a count of Related Licenses will be shown.

Investigate the reason for exclusion, such as:

The license may have a restricted scope (shown in the Restrictions tab of the license properties) and the excluded installations come from somewhere else in your enterprise.
The license may require a minimum or maximum number of processors, not matched by the machines on which the offending installations occur. It is also possible that your inventory system is not gathering sufficient details.
A related license may be a type that required individual allocation (and some devices have not had this license allocated to them). If so, this will be displayed as the Exclusion reason, available in a sub-table of Related licenses if you click the count in the original Related licenses column.

You may need to follow a lengthy investigative trail:

Drill through from this page to the application's properties.
Check the Devices tab there to find devices with Licensable showing Yes and License name blank, and click through the device Name to its properties.
Also from the application properties, use the Licenses tab to click through to the properties of the relevant license(s).

When you have identified the problem, you can fix it with methods like:

Updating the inventory records by hand
Improving the inventory tool
Completing allocations
Creating an additional license to suit the different conditions (provided that you have purchase evidence to support that).

Important:Some unlicensed installations may not show in this list. Applications are excluded from this list if they have a Status value of:

Ignored (these appear in the Applications & Evidence > Applications > Ignored Applications page)
Deferred (these appear in the Applications & Evidence > Applications > Deferred Applications page).

Properties Displayed on the Unlicensed Installations Page

The following application properties are available for this list (note that application properties are displayed, as these installations are not licensed).

Note:Most lists in IT Asset Management only show a selection of the properties in the underlying database. Some columns are displayed by default and others can be displayed using the column chooser control, including any custom properties that you have added. For information on using the column chooser, see Managing Columns in a Table.

Note:Any custom properties that you have added for this object are also available through the column chooser. Like other properties, you can also use these properties for filtering and grouping records on this page.

Licenses Listings Properties




The type of software, especially as it relates to licensing (freeware, commercial, component, and so on).

Visible on the General tab of the application properties. It is editable only for applications with a Source value of Local.


The edition of an application, as specified by the publisher of this application.

Note:Many applications do not specify an edition.

Visible on the General tab of the application properties. It is editable only for applications with a Source value of Local.


The count of installations of this application, calculated from evidence matched in the last imported inventory. This includes the count of installations in containers.

Tip:This is the count of installations in Active inventory devices. In other words, this count excludes any installations on inventory devices for which the Status has been set to Ignored (either manually in the General tab of the inventory device properties, or automatically because the inventory device is linked to an asset that is either Disposed or Retired).

Note: For Oracle options, the Installed count in this listing does not include installations where either:

The options have no associated database instance, or
The database instance is known, but has been marked as not licensable for some reason (see the General tab of the Oracle instance properties).

This is because this listing is counting potentially licensable installations, and Oracle options are not licensable until they are associated with a licensable database instance. (This exclusion may make an Installed count here appear lower than in other listings such as All Applications, which do not have the same exclusion.)

Access right restrictions—The Installed column counts only the installations on inventory devices that you have the right to view.


The application's name, which may be:

Set by the Application Recognition Library, and not editable (for applications with Source: Flexera)
Derived from the evidence values for Product, Version, and Edition properties (when generated by IT Asset Management), and editable to suit your corporate standards.

You can edit this on the General tab of the application properties when Local is displayed in the Source column (which means the application was added manually by an operator).


The basic name of the application, excluding the publisher and references to versions or editions. This field displays the value Multiple products for multi-product licenses that have multiple primary products. See Multi-Product License.


The name of the publisher of this software, responsible for its development and distribution.


The origin of an application record:

Flexera—Shown when the application is downloaded in Application Recognition Library (if so, you cannot edit any of the application’s properties, but can link it to additional evidence).
Local—Shown when an operator in your enterprise created the record for this application.
Flexera (Extended)—Shown when an operator added additional evidence to the original record from Application Recognition Library.


Indicates your assessment and processing of an application. It can have any of the following values:



The count of the installations that are not covered by any license.


The version assigned to the license. Depending on settings, this may or may not reflect the version of the first-linked application.

The license Version is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties.