Leveraging the Data Catalog in Data Explorer to Add Measures to Insights

Data Catalog in Data Explorer contains attributes, measures, and calculated measures that are available for your insights.

Data Catalog has three tabs that display either all data or only measures or attributes.

To add items from the Data Catalog to your insight, drag and drop them into the appropriate section in the insight. For details about creating insights, see Creating Insights to Visualize Your Data.

Also refer to the following subsections on this page:

Searching for Items
Refreshing the Data Catalog

Data Catalog displays only items that are relevant to your insight. Items that cannot be added are hidden. Data Explorer then displays a message in Data Catalog to inform you.

Searching for Items

You can use the search bar in the Data Catalog to search for measures and attributes you need.

Data Explorer scans all item names and displays any item that contains your search string.

Note:If you organize your catalog, Data Explorer also scans the group names. When you switch to another tab, the search results adjust to correspond with the items to be displayed in that tab.

Refreshing the Data Catalog

To refresh the data in your Data Catalog, hover your mouse over the catalog to display the refresh button and click the button.

Data Explorer retrieves all changes, displays the number of items changed and also refreshes the insight to reflect the changes.