
Version:If you are using the Technology Intelligence Platform version of IT Visibility’s export, information in this section is not applicable to you. Instead, see IT Visibility Data Export Using Technology Intelligence Platform. To check whether you are using Technology Intelligence Platform or Pre-Technology Intelligence Platform version, go to the Data Export page (IT Visibility > Data Exports). If you see two buttons for exportinga Create Export button and a Create Export (Beta) button—you are using a Pre-Technology Intelligence Platform version (export version 1 or version 2). If you only see the Create Export button, you are either on the Technology Intelligence Platform version or export version 3. For related information, see Upgrading to the Export Version 3 of IT Visibility.

This file contains your hardware contextualized.

Column Position

Column Name

Column Values

Column Description


Hardware ID


A unique identifier of all hardware devices in the inventory.




Location where the device is.


Cost Center


Cost Center the device is associated with.


Business Unit


Business Unit the device is associated with, sometimes referred to as department/organization.