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This file contains Technopedia lifecycle information for your software inventory.

Column Position

Column Name

Column Values

Column Description


Technopedia GUID


Unique across all GUID Types. In practice it is the lowest level in the hierarchy.


Technopedia GUID Type

[Product, Release]

The level of Technopedia titles at which the evidence has been normalized into (product or release level).


General Availability Date


The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor.


General Availability Exception


The reason the general availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Values include:

Date not published by the vendor
Support policy not defined by the vendor
Exact date unknown (based on a date range)
Contract-based support only (no specific date)
Open-source support only (no specific date)
Limited, self-help support only (no specific date)
Date in the past (exact date unknown)
To be determined


End of Life Date


The last date that full support for the product is provided by the vendor, captured the way that it was originally published by the vendor. Partial support may still be available.


End of Life Exception


The reason why the end-of-life date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the “General Availability Exception” above.


End of Life Support Level


The name of support level in the period leading to the end-of-life date, as published by the vendor.


Obsolete Date


The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support.


Obsolete Date Exception


A reason why the obsolete date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the “General Availability Exception” above.


Obsolete Support Level


The name of support level in the period leading to the obsolete date, as published by the vendor.