
Important:To access commitments information, you must have the View commitments role at the organization level. For complete descriptions of each role available in Flexera One, see Flexera One Roles.

To view all types of cloud provider commitments including Reserved Instances (RIs) and savings plans, go to the Reserved Instances page (Cloud > Commitments > Reserved Instances) and Savings Plans page (Cloud > Commitments > Savings Plans), respectively. These pages show information about your RIs and savings plans for the selected organization for a 30-day rolling window. If you belong to more than one organization, select the appropriate organization to view RI and savings plans information.

Note:Your user settings are saved in the backend and are available the next time you log in to Flexera One, whether you are using the same or a different device or browser. These settings include table column visibility, table column order, table column filter state, table column sort state, and table column width.

The following commitments are covered in this section:

Reserved Instances
Savings Plans