Configuring Custom Dashboard Widgets

Widgets are the configurable visualizations of data that show up on your dashboard. Each widget has independently configured fields and filters, but all widgets respect the time frame and have the metric type selected as cost by default at the top of the dashboard.

The following sections describe how to configure custom dashboard widgets:

Adding a Widget
Editing Widget Details
Custom Widget Types and Filters
Moving and Resizing a Widget
Deleting a Widget

Adding a Widget

You can add a custom widget to the current custom dashboard.

To add a custom widget:

1. Go to Dashboards > Cloud.
2. Click the name of the dashboard to view a list of all the available dashboards and then click the dashboard you want to add a custom widget to.
3. Click Edit in the upper-right of the dashboard and then click Add Widget. The Add a widget slideout opens.
4. In the Widget Name field, enter the name of the widget (this name appears above the widget in the custom dashboard).
5. In the Description field, enter a description of the widget.
6. From the Widget Type dropdown list, select the appropriate widget type. For information about widget types, see Widget Types.
7. To see the different values with the spend, in the Metric Definition section, select the metric value from the following options:
List Price—The list price value is based on the provider specific details provided. Bill adjustments apply to list price. The list price can be either amortized or unamortized. Consider the following list price:
AWS List Price—The price paid to the cloud provider before any discounts (including benefits from commitments).
Azure Enterprise Agreement List Price—The price paid after the enterprise discount is applied, but before any benefits from commitments such as Reservation, Savings Plan, and Spot.
Cost—The costs incurred. Depending on your configuration settings, the cost includes or does not include discounts from cloud providers. The cost can be either amortized or unamortized. Bill adjustments apply to cost.
Savings—The amount of savings. This is the difference between list price and cost.
Savings Percent—The percentage of savings compared to list price.

Note:Consider the following:

The default metric is Cost.
The List Price, Savings, and Savings Percent metrics are only available for AWS and Azure Enterprise Agreement.
On selecting the Widget Type as Table, you can select multiple metric values. For the other Widget Types, you can select only one metric value.
The Usage metric is only available in the Dashboard Table View. You can show and hide the Usage metric by clicking the three dots icon and then clicking Show Usage and Hide Usage, respectively.
You can show and hide the metrics in the Dashboard Table View based on the spend that you want to see by clicking Show and Hide, respectively.
You can show and hide the percentage change in the Dashboard Table View by clicking Show Percent Change and Hide Percent Change, respectively. On selecting this option, color-coded up and down arrows appear to reflect the percent change from the previous month.
8. To narrow down the data the widget displays, in the Filters section, set the filters. For information about filters, see Custom Widget Filters.
9. After adding the appropriate widget details, click Create. The Edit Layout page appears. You can drop a widget to any location or resize it.

Tip:Click Cancel to cancel adding a widget.

10. Click Save Layout. Or, click Add a new widget to add another widget in the dashboard.

Editing Widget Details

You can edit the widget details such as the widget name, widget type, filters, and so on.

To edit widget details:

1. Go to Dashboards > Cloud.
2. Click the name of the dashboard to view a list of all the available dashboards and then click the dashboard in which you want to edit the widget details.
3. Click the three dots icon in the upper-right corner of an existing widget that you want to edit, and then click Edit Widget. The Edit widget slideout opens.
4. Update the name and description of the widget, if required.
5. To change the widget type, from the Widget Type dropdown list, select the appropriate widget type. For information about widget types, see Widget Types.
6. To see the different values with the spend, in the Metric Definition section, select the metric value from the following options:
List Price—The list price value is based on the provider specific details provided. Bill adjustments apply to list price. The list price can be either amortized or unamortized. Consider the following list price:
AWS List Price—The price paid to the cloud provider before any discounts (including benefits from commitments).
Azure Enterprise Agreement List Price—The price paid after the enterprise discount is applied, but before any benefits from commitments such as Reservation, Savings Plan, and Spot.
Cost—The costs incurred. Depending on your configuration settings, the cost includes or does not include discounts from cloud providers. The cost can be either amortized or unamortized. Bill adjustments apply to cost.
Savings—The amount of savings. This is the difference between list price and cost.
Savings Percent—The percentage of savings compared to list price.

Note:Consider the following:

The List Price, Savings, and Savings Percent metrics are only available for AWS and Azure Enterprise Agreement.
On selecting the Widget Type as Table, you can select multiple metric values. For the other Widget Types, you can select only one metric value.
The Usage metric is only available in the Dashboard Table View. You can show and hide the Usage metric by clicking the three dots icon and then clicking Show Usage and Hide Usage, respectively.
You can show and hide the metrics in the Dashboard Table View based on the spend that you want to see by clicking Show and Hide, respectively.
You can show and hide the percentage change in the Dashboard Table View by clicking Show Percent Change and Hide Percent Change, respectively. On selecting this option, color-coded up and down arrows appear to reflect the percent change from the previous month.
The changes that you make to the widget are visible in the Widget Preview section of the page.
7. Edit the other widget details as required.
8. Click Update.

Note:You can also create a duplicate copy of the widget by clicking Duplicate.

Custom Widget Types and Filters

All widgets also have a Widget Type that must be selected. Every widget type offers optional Widget Filters to narrow down the data the widget displays.

Widget Types

The following table lists the widget types and describes their properties and configurable settings:

Cloud Cost Optimization Custom Widget Types

Widget Type


Time Frame


Bar Chart

A vertical clustered bar chart with each element of the bar configured in the settings.

Each vertical bar in the chart is one month in duration.

Dimension—The dimension that breaks up the colors within each vertical bar.

Cost List

A list of costs broken down by up to 10 dimensions, with the styling of the list slightly changing depending on the number of dimensions selected.

The values in the list are across the entire time frame selected on the dashboard.

Group By—The dimension(s) to group the data by in the list. At least 1 and as many as 10 can be selected.

Line Chart

A line chart with each line representing the selected dimension in the settings.

Each data point on the line is one day, and the graph in total covers the entire time frame selected on the dashboard.

Dimension—The dimension that breaks up the graph into each line.

Single Total

A single cost number that is the sum of the costs configured in the settings.




A data table breakdown of cost information based on the configured dimensions in the settings (similar to Tabular View).

Each column of the data table represents one month.

Group By—The dimensions to group the data by in the list. At least 1 and as many as 10 can be selected.

Custom Widget Filters

Every widget type optionally allows Filters to be defined to narrow down the data that is displayed in the widget. With no Filters set, the data in every widget shows all data within the scope of the Dashboard. This means that if you are in billing center X, and a widget has no Filters defined, then it is showing all data for billing center X. If you were to navigate to billing center Y and you select the same dashboard, you would be seeing all data for billing center Y.

To narrow down the data that is in a given widget, you can use Filters. Filters let you specify which dimension values to show in a given widget.

When filters contain multiple dimensions, they are ANDed together. Filter values within a given dimension are ORed together.

Tip:Use the Table widget type or Dashboard Table View to drill-down into various dimensions and see the values that you can use for filters. Then, switch to the widget type that you want for the dashboard.

Moving and Resizing a Widget

You can move and resize a widget within the dashboard.

To move and resize a widget:

1. Go to Dashboards > Cloud.
2. Click the name of the dashboard to view a list of all the available dashboards and then click the dashboard in which you want to move and resize the widget.
3. Click Edit in the upper-right of the dashboard and then click Edit Layout.
4. To move the widget, hover over the widget, a hand icon appears. Drop the widget to the new location.
5. To resize the widget, hover over the two small diagonal lines icon at the lower-right corner of the widget, resize the widget within the grid layout.
6. Click Save Layout.

Deleting a Widget

You can delete a widget from a custom dashboard.

To remove a widget from a custom dashboard:

1. Go to Dashboards > Cloud.
2. Click the name of the dashboard to view a list of all the available dashboards and then click the dashboard to remove the widget from.
3. Click the three dots icon on the widget that you want to delete and then click Delete. The Delete Widget dialog box appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the widget.
4. Click Delete.