Using the DDIs

The description of the CSV files for each DDI is provided in the following sections. In each listing, the value(s) marked as Key are used for matching incoming data against existing records in the compliance database. In this format, the files are for use on the application server of an on-premises implementation.

Each DDI contains a large number of properties, the most commonly used for each database object. Some properties of the corresponding database objects are not represented. The chapter on The FlexNet Business Importer Data Model documents the full data model available to the Business Importer, including the mapping of each property to the objects and properties in the compliance database. You can also find more details about the compliance database tables and properties in the separate IT Asset Management Schema Reference PDF file.

Custom properties have not been added to the DDIs.

Each input CSV file must contain, at a minimum, the key properties used for matching objects in the compliance database, and the properties listed as mandatory. All the other properties are optional.

The properties can be set in any order within the input file.

If currencies are used, all amounts in a single CSV import file must be in the same currency, applying the same exchange rate snapshot against the default currency configured in IT Asset Management.

For handling of dates, see Entering Dates in the CSV Templates.

Keep in mind that the web interface for IT Asset Management focuses on individual purchases; but the database stores these in purchase order lines, and has separate records for the purchase orders (headers) themselves. If purchase orders are to be imported, the DDIs as supplied assume the standard configuration where IT Asset Management is configured to automatically calculate the PO totals.

Any DDI can be customized. However, keep in mind that each release of IT Asset Management republishes the DDIs, with or without changes to suit the new version. For this reason, your customization process should include saving a separate copy of the original template (so that you can check the latest release against your version to identify any factory-made changes); as well as storing a backup copy of your customized DDI that cannot be over-written during a product upgrade. You may then need to restore your customizations into the new version of the product.

Before running any DDI, check the connection string in the corresponding XML file. By default, the connection string is set to run against database called FNMP on a local SQL Server. If the DDI is run from a remote machine, or if the database name is not the default, edit the XML files and adjust the values to the local configuration.

You can run any DDI once from the command line, or you can use Windows Scheduler to automate the data import at regular intervals. For details of the command line interface, see Command Line for Business Importer. In summary, to run any DDI, change into the installation directory where the Business Importer executes, and use a command line like the following:
MGSBI.exe /ConfigFile=XMLFileName /Import=ImportName
For example, to import a CSV file to update the Location enterprise groups:
MGSBI.exe /ConfigFile=location.xml /Import=Location

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
