Migration updates compliance database schema

IT Asset Management version 2018 R2
The database migration that forms part of the upgrade to IT Asset Management 2024 R2.1 has direct impacts on two tables in the FlexNet inventory database:
  • The SoftwareFileProperty_MT table, a legacy table that now (normally) contains no data, is dropped, and not replaced. (It is known to be empty for all cloud customers; on-premises, if you have prepared custom inventory adapters, check to ensure that they do not address this table, which is highly unlikely.)
  • The SoftwareFile_MT table is replacing its SoftwareField column, previously an integer, with a bigint.
Depending on the number of records you have in your SoftwareFile_MT table, database migration may need a little extra time to regenerate all these keys. This has no direct impact on your data, but is the fastest way to complete the migration.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
