PVU peaks switch to end date

IT Asset Management version 2019 R1.2

When IT Asset Management is in 'high-frequency' or 'PVU' mode, it is responsible for gathering inventory on, and calculating sub-capacity peak consumption values for, the three mandatory IBM regions that may consume from an IBM PVU license. In this mode, if the peak consumption value for a region is sustained for more than a day, the peak date visible in management views and reports is now the end date of the peak – that is, the day of the last license consumption calculation that gave this value, after which the regional consumption dropped. In previous releases, the peak date was not the last, but the first calculation that provided the peak value; so with this update to IT Asset Management, you may see the peak dates change while peak values remain unchanged. If dates change, this means that the peak was a sustained, steady-state value that started on the previously-displayed date, and ended on the new date value. Dating peaks by their end date is consistent with the method used by ILMT.

Of course, if consumption within a region is truly steady state, then at the start of the reporting period, the first day's consumption is the peak. As each nightly calculation yields the same result, the peak value hasn't ended yet; and the peak date keeps pushing forward, showing either yesterday or today (depending what time overnight your license reconciliation runs). If this continues unchanged throughout the reporting period, your report to IBM shows the peak date as the last calculation date for that period.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
